Chapter 27.

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I loved you in the dark,
But imagine what it would have looked like in the light.


I didn't know what came over me when I got into Khalil's arms, but I did. And for some odd reasons I liked it. It was so comforting, Khalil's hug always is, I felt safe and secure in his hold, just like the first time we had hugged when he lost his temper. He moved us side to side and I couldn't help but love it, everybody passed without even paying attention to us. Paris is so peaceful, everybody minds his or her business. We stood there for some minutes and I started feeling a little warm, I pulled my hands out of his hoodie and moved back a little but Khalil held me back in place and he buried his face on my neck, I didn't know how but I somehow ringed my arms around his neck. His hold on me tightened and it seem as though he was the one who was cold.

"Are you okay?" I asked, breaking the silence.

As if just realizing what was happening, Khalil let go of me and I shivered as the cold hit my skin. "Yes... yes I am fine." He breathed out.

"Let's go, please. I am cold." I said in an attempt to ease off the awkwardness that was beginning to set in.

He nodded, and he led us back to the hotel room.

Once we got into the room, he locked the door behind us and I rushed into the bathroom, after taking all the stuffs I would be needing. All cleaned up and fresh I came out of the bathroom, dressed in a sweatpants and one of Khalil's sweater. The room was warm, Khalil had switched on the warmer. I sat on the bed and took my phone out of my bag.

Khalil too left to the bathroom to have a shower while I surfed through my social media accounts. He came out shortly dressed in a coffee brown Jalabiyya. I pretended as if I didn't see him and continued using my phone. He sat down on the couch and I could feel his eyes on me. I turned my face away not wanting to meet his gaze. After some few moments of silence, of him gazing at me and me looking away, he cleared his throat, when I didn't pay heed to him, he coughed once again, louder this time. Slowly I lifted my eyes from my phone and looked at him, he had a smirk on his face as he spoke.

"So are you gonna ignore me now?"

I rolled my eyes. "How am I ignoring you?"

He chuckled, "You have been on your phone since, you can't even look at me."

"And why should I look at you? Has your face suddenly turned to a TV screen that I have to look at, because something interesting is happening?" I hissed then turned my gaze back to my phone. His laughter filled the room.

"Don't tell me you don't like staring at me. As much as you try to deny it I know you like my face." I looked at him and his smirk was back on.

I sighed loudly. "Don't deceive yourself. I have seen faces way finer than yours and I don't stare at them for even five seconds, so why should yours be different?"

"I am your husband. And you find me attractive."

"Pheww! Come on man, don't be so full of yourself. The person that told you you were attractive was clearly insulting you because I don't see anything attractive about you."

He laughed. "Try as you may, you can't deny the fact that I am attractive. I know you find me attractive." He said, boastfully.
His eyes fixed on me.

I sneered and looked south. "Whatever."


Khalil zipped his jacket and gazed at me. "Hope you're done?"

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