Chapter 6.

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              The wedding scenes would be written in third person. And lyrics of songs would be attached.


    The shrill of peoples' votes jolted Faridah from sleep, she rolled over on her bed and stretched lazily round the bed. She had woken up earlier to pray subh (prayer performed at dawn), now the only the thing she needed to do was eat. She lazily got off the bed but not before slapping her friend,Hafsat on her thighs.

"You're so mean." Hafsat groaned with her eyes half closed.

"wake up sleepy head!" Faridah slap her again.

Hafsat lazily got up and made her way to the ensuite.

Faridah's friends' came yesterday to visit her but all of them left except Hafsat. The others couldn't spend a night because;some of them were married, while the rest left to prepare for the 'surprise bridal shower'.

"Let's go downstairs and eat." Faridah told Hafsat when she came out of the bathroom.


"Wear this," Hafsat commanded handing Faridah a long,skinny gown.

The girls called Hafsat earlier saying they had already prepared everything.

"No," Faridah groaned. "I want to Wear something free, I'm so exhausted. But wait o! Why should I wear that dress? We aren't going any where, are we?

"We are."

"Where? I didn't make any plans of going out today," Faridah said, walking over to the the mirror. "By the way, you know Umma won't  let me go out."

The girls had already sorted everything out, they told Umma earlier and she agreed to it.

"Don't worry about Umma. I told her already, and she agreed."

"Oh really, that's cool, but sorry to burst your bubbles. I'm not going." Faridah took her pen and started writing invisible words on her palm.

"Abi? (Right) No problem, I and the other girls will go and enjoy ourselves at cold stone while you stay here and bore yourself." Hafsat knows that's the only way to make Faridah leave the house.
At the mention of 'cold stone' Faridah threw the pen she was holding and jumped up.

"Oh my! I'm in, there's no way I'll watch you guys go to cold stone without me." she beamed.

"Alright, dress up, let's go."
Faridah got up and walked over to her closet.
"Hold up, miss. What are you trying to do?" Hafsat asked.


"No! You're wearing this gown," she handed the gown over to Faridah.

"Are you ok?" Faridah asked, " I'm a Muslima, how do you expect me to wear such dress to cold stone?"

"Preach for me, I don't know anything about Islam ai." Hafsat said feigning hurt.

Faridah sighed "that's not what I meant."

"What did you mean? Do you think I'll make you do something that is haram (forbidden) ? So you don't trust me?" Hafsat turned her face.

"Haba Hafsat, I'm sorry."

Hafsat looked away. She wasn't hurt at all, Faridah was right after all,but she needs to put up with this act to avoid spilling the beans.

"Finest, see her fresh skin, white teeth,pointed nose,fine eyes, long hair,number one slay queen. " Faridah said in a final attempt to coax her. Hafsat blushed a little

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