Chapter 32.

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*Be a bearded Muslim and Allah will pair you with a Hijabi Muslimah.*

(I absolutely love this one 😊)

Hey lovelies,
How are we?
Sorry for the late update.
I honestly don't know where I'm at. 🤧💔 I made the chapter a little long tho, I hope you enjoy it.

NB: This chapter is a little mushy😴🙈

*Don't forget to vote, comment and share.*


"I am sorry." I said behind her as she walked so fast into the house, she didn't even wait for me to open the door for her. I have been apologizing to her since we were at my parents house. After Zara caught us, I felt very embarrassed and decided we should leave. We said our byes to my parent, and left for our car, Zara escorted us, she acted as if nothing had happened. She acted like her normal self, whereas Mamii and I were still embarrassed, Mamii especially, she couldn't even look at Zara's eyes. She was giving her curt replies, I knew she wanted to get away from there and lash at me.

I kept apologizing to her through out our ride home but she kept ignoring me, her gaze was fixed outside the window. Acting as if I wasn't talking to her.

"Answer me." I said behind her. She dropped her handbag on the bed and removed her head tie, leaving her black hair that was packed in a folded bun visible. She proceeded to the closet, she took out a chiffon gown and dropped it on the bed. She walked over to the mirror and removed her earrings and necklace. I got so tired of her not replying to my pleas.

In one swift motion, I turned her around and brought her flush to me. Both my hands on her waist. Her eyes widened with rage. "Let go of me, you idiot!" She yelled hitting me on my chest.

I smirked. "So she speaks."

"By Allah, if you don't let go of me this minute, you will regret ever holding me." She threatens. Her hazels getting red with rage.

"I said I am sorry." I said, softly.

"Sorry? What will your Sorry do? Zara saw us Khalil." Her voice broke.

"I told you we should go to the room, didn't I? But you refused."

"Yes, I refused because I knew something was going to happen. But still you couldn't even control yourself." She hissed and looked away.

"Sorry, I didn't know she would walk in on us, I was carried away by you. By the way, you should quit being embarrassed already. The person that should be more embarrassed is me. She's my younger sister, I bet you don't wanna know how I felt at that moment." It was really awkward, I felt so embarrassed, I wanted nothing at that moment but to dig the floor and enter, but then the did was already done.

"Well, you are shameless. Your embarrassment didn't even last long and now you are here still repeating your mistake. I warned you to stop getting too touchy, but you won't listen. What must I do with you?!" She yelled as she tried getting away from my strong hold yet again. I immediately let her go as I saw tears welling up in her eyes.

"No, Ya Allah, please don't cry." I panicked. I didn't want her to cry. I held her hand to console her but she pushed my hands away.

"Don't touch me, I said!" She fired.

I stepped back a little and she eyed me for some few seconds before taking the cloth she brought out earlier and a towel and made way to the bathroom. She was already at the bathrooms door when she turned and said, "I am sorry for yelling at you."

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