Chapter 40.

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Guys, we are in chapter 40 already. Phew! Alhamdulillah!! I can't wait to be done, it's high time already🌚

Thanks for all the votes😭❤️I really appreciate the love💕 over 20k votes already. Alhamdulillah!

Anyhooooo, It's a short one


I want to be cherished
Not because I am gone
But because I am a treasure.


Have you ever been in a situation where you just want to play? Let go of all your sorrows and pains? And bring out the inner child in you. At this moment, that's exactly how I am feeling.

It was that time of the year, my favorite time of the year. Raining season.

Ever since the rain started, I have been wanting to go out and have a little dance with the rain, but Khalil has refused me going. He locks me in the room and says he doesn't want me to fall sick on him.

Today in particular, I was hyper, and I feel like if I don't go into the rain I might spend my whole day crying so I decided I would go out by any means.

The window was open, allowing in a cool breeze that made the fire in my heart dance. I smiled, hugging myself. I moved to the window and locked it before making my way downstairs.

I peeped into the sitting room and Khalil was seated on the praying mat, reciting the holy Qur'an. I might as well go out quietly without him even noticing.

I looked down at my dressing; I was wearing a leggings and a hoodie, Khalil's hoodie, a veil was wrapped loosely around my hair.

I took slow steps to the front door and opened it slightly, making the cool breeze hit my face, sending goosebumps and shiversvall over my body. I would be lying if I say I wasn't cold. The weather was so cold but I cared less. I ran outside, into the middle of the compound.

Little droplets of water drenched my hair, skin and then my clothes. The water droplets began growing larger and falling frequently. The little rain turned into wet thuds as the icy water raced to meet the ground.

I smiled widely spreading my arms wide and twirling round and round. My smile turned into laughter as the water caressed my body heavily.

I knew I was going to fall sick later but I didn't care.

"What are you doing here?!" I heard Khalil's commanding voice ask. My laughter died down and was replaced with Shock, fear. And then anger. He took slow steps towards me. I watched as his formally dry clothes turned wet within a blink of an eye. The wetness of his clothes made his jallabiyya clung onto his body tightly. His whole body was dripping with water which made him look ten times more attractive.  I snapped out of my silly thoughts and replied him.

"I am frying fish." I replied sarcastically.

He stood in front of me, his face hard as he glared at me. "Didn't I warn you against leaving the house?"

"I didn't leave the house, as you can see, I am still inside your premises." I fired.

"Interesting. Come let's go in, else you will catch a cold," he said, holding my hands.

"Let go of me!" I yelled, wiggling my hand out of his hold.

"Stop acting stubborn and let's go in." He said, calmly.

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