Chapter 43.

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I'm so sorry, I published this chapter this early this morning. But somehow you guys didn't get the notification.

I fell
and fell
and fell,
all the while knowing
you fell
for someone else.

I was sprawled on the tiled floor when I heard a knock on the door, excitedly I ran weakly to the door with the hopes that it was Khalil, my smile faltered as I saw Ummita, my high school friend. She waved her hands excitedly in front of her and she brought me in for a hug. Instinctively I hugged her back, because I needed it. I forced myself to smile back at her.

Trust me, I was excited to see her but somehow my happiness has left me. So smiling was a difficult thing for me to do at that moment.

My happiness left since Khalil spurted those words to me and left the house some five minutes after which it's been 12 hours now but he is no where to be found. He didn't sleep in the house, I was scared to call anyone. I knew he was alright, ok. I know he wouldn't try anything stupid. I didn't want anyone to bother. So I bared it alone. My head hurts like crazy, I didn't sleep the whole night.

Ummita came at the wrong time, firstly I was a mess, secondly the house was a mess and thirdly every single thing about me seem like a total mess.

But still, I wiped my tear stricken face and smiled. "What a pleasant surprise Ummita. Come in." I moved aside so she could come into the house.

"Thank you, Faridah. I have missed you so much." She sat on the one-sitter couch.

"I have missed you more." Immediately we graduated from school, Ummita's parents flew her abroad where she did her university. We kept in touch, as the close friends that we are. "Let me get you something to eat." The kitchen was empty, I hadn't cooked. So I placed a bottle water, coke and pure bliss biscuits in a tray for her to eat. "I am sorry Ummita. I haven't made breakfast yet." I placed the tray on the chair beside her. I was feeling bad for giving her coke for breakfast. I would love to prepare something but I swear my whole bones feel broken, I might end up burning down the house if I switch the gas on.

"Come on, this will do. I have eaten breakfast already." I sat beside her and smiled gratefully.

"You look good." I muttered.

"Thank you. You don't look bad either." She grinned.

"Ha! What a nice way to say it. I look like a complete bag of garbage." I rolled my eyes and I regretted it immediately as a pain surged through my head. Ouch!

"No, I am serious. Aside the fact that you are looking a little pale you are looking even more beautiful." She opened the pack of biscuit.

I chuckled and looked down. She was definitely just trying to pick on me.

"I know you don't believe me. You haven't changed one bit. You doubt every single thing." She shook her head and took a bite from the biscuit. She still remembers.

"No, I believe you."

"Hmm... so what's up with you?" She asked looking at me with a smile.

"Well, what can I say? As you know I just recently finished serving and now, I am waiting for a job. That's what's up."

"How is your husband though? I haven't seen him." She looked behind me.

"Ahhh..." I looked around the Parlour as if searching for him. "He went out." I swallowed as I felt a lump trying to form in my throat because the question she asked made me feel like a complete looser, here I am seated, while my husband is out there in only God knows where.

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