Chapter 5.

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❛❛My sins burdened me heavily. But when I measured it against your grace,o lord! your forgiveness came greater❜❜.
~Imam Shafi.


                      Faridah❜s POV
Three days after my arrival from the camp, my kayan lefe (dresses,clothes,shoes,undies,jeweleries etc presented to the bride by the groom) was brought, I never expected it to be that fast but as you all know, 'almost' everything is possible with money.

They invited people for the kayan lefe, it was another celebration on it's own. People were just ogling on how beautiful the kayan lefe were and how lucky I was because my soon to be husband is rich.

I just pray for love, love and more love then money, I'm okay with him being a middle class man, so long as he would always love and care for me. I just want a relationship like my parents, a relationship that never dies but blossom's with each passing day. I just hope Aslam loves me, I hope.

I can't believe I would be getting married in a week time, it feels surreal to me.
These past few days has been hell for me,as umma promised ,after a week the beautician came for the beauty treatment,it was hell and still is but not as worse as the beginning. They had applied different concoction on my body, some smelt awful and unattractive while some smelt nice and attractive. All the hair on my body has been removed. I usually bath in a warm,milky and scenting water, that's the only part I love because the water is usually relaxing, I sometimes fall asleep in the water, umma usually scolds me and says she hopes I don't go about sleeping in my husband's house all the time. They also rub water melon on my body saying it will make my skin fresh, the part I hate is when I'm asked to strip and stay around the turaren wuta (insence), I love the scent but too much of it makes me sick, I always make a fuss when I'm told to do it.

  Since yesterday mummy kano has been wanting to give me a bath but I didn't let her, just because they want my skin to glow doesn't mean I'll let her bath me, each time she brings the topic I'll just bring another topic and make her forget it. All the ones they have done before is enough, they should be happy I let them touch my skin because I'm usually very careful with it, the little treatment I've been giving myself is okay for me,or so I thought until now. Although I've always hated beauty treatments but I'll have to admit that I love how my skin is now, I'm glowing.

I just came back from where I met Khalil, I was so heartbroken when he told me he was going leave me, but after explaining things to me, I was so happy. You see the more reason I love my bestfriend right? He is one in a million and my love and respect for him just increased more. if that's even possible, he is my everything and like I promised him, I would always call him when I need him. I don't want our relationship to end, I want him in my life and I don't want to let him go, not now, not ever.

I'd have been a dead meat by now if not for my two sweethearts, Basma and Fahad. Basma lied to umma and the rest that she was going to stay with me and make sure that I don't get out of the room unless the turaren wuta gets cold, while Fahad helped in watching out.

If umma or any other aunt had caught me,I don't even want to imagine what umma would do to me. umma has been getting angry with every little thing that happens, I don't blame her though, she's really trying she hasn't been getting enough rest, we've a lot of visitors in the house but we all know how visitors do more harm than good.

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