Chapter 36.

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If love turns lonely, let it go!

Umma opened the door to their room and spotted her husband standing on the window with both his hands folded behind him. He has been off since the incidence that happened earlier. She took gentle steps to where he was standing and stood just about two feet's behind him.

"Alhaji," she called softly. "Are you ok?"

Baba untangled his hands and left it to fall at his sides before regarding his wife for some seconds. "Your daughter just spoilt my day." He replied, his gaze now looking outside the window.

"It's not totally her fault Alhaji. I warned you at first but you wouldn't listen. Our poor child has gone through enough." Umma said what was in her mind.

"You very well know she wouldn't have agreed if we told her."

"Even at that. Lying to her was bad."

"What did you want me to do!? I couldn't just fold my hands and watch my daughter be a divorcee." Baba uttered.

"She would definitely come around, you know. She just got divorced and after four months you arranged her marriage and not only that. You lied."

"What could I have done? You have spoilt your daughter!" Baba sparked and a gasp immediately left umma's mouth at Baba's outburst and also his last statement.

Umma's heart pounded as anger suddenly overwhelmed her. Her eyes became wet from tears as she stared at her husband dead in the eye.

"Oh wow! Wow, Alhaji. My daughter? She has suddenly become only my daughter now. Just because she didn't make you happy? What they said about men is actually true. You only accept the credits and claim something when it's good, you claim it only to yourself, but when it's not, you push it all and blame it to the wife. I also raised Samirah, didn't I? Has she ever done something to warrant such words from you. No! That's because she did what she wanted. But in Faridah's case, she was lied to, so it was only natural to do what she did. I honestly don't blame her for what she is doing. It's all your fault. And yes, she is my daughter, I claim her, only my daughter. But you should also bare in mind that we raised her together and you did this to her." Umma wiped her tears with the back of her palms and walked to the bed.

Baba shut his eyes and mentally kicked himself, his wife has never talked to him this way. And he knew, oh he knew. He has touched a deep spot and it would take her long to forget it. He said a silent prayer in his head and stared at his wife who was already lying on the bed with her back faced to him.

He decided he was going to apologize to her. He lied down on the bed, gently. And placed his hands on her midriff. Umma was trying to pretend to sleep but her silent sobs got the better of her. She was hurt. She couldn't believe what her husband has said. She cried not only for herself but also for her daughter.

"Habibty, forgive me please. I was angry and I didn't know what I was saying."

Umma sobbed more without saying a word.

Baba kept saying sweet words of apology to her until she fell asleep.

He prayed everything will be ok.

Faridah's POV.

We were back at home. Wait, can I call it home? It definitely isn't home for me and I certainly won't make it home for Khalil either. It's going to be hell.

I strode to our room. Thinking about it, I just realized why Umma wanted us to share a room. They had it all planned out. They did a good job at that I must say. Thank God I never gave myself to him, because if I did, then I wouldn't have had any way out. I would have been trapped with him and he would also have something to mouth off about.

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