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*Once Olivia is in LA*

I looked around for Bryce until I heard someone calling my name. 
"Bryce" I yelled as I ran to hug him
"Hey liv I missed you" He said hugging me. 
"If you missed me so much why did you never call, text, or visit me" I asked him. 
"I dont know" He said. 
"Ok well let's go" I said as I grabbed my suitcase and Bryce grabbed the other.
"So do they know I am in LA" I asked Bryce as we got into the car. 
"No I wanted this to be a surprise so when we get there I left a window open hoping you would be ok sneaking through there to surprise them" Bryce said. 
"Bryce I have been sneaking out through the window since I was 10" I said laughing. 
"So you still sneak out" Bryce asked. 
"Well ya mom still hits me" I said quietly. 

"Liv im sorry I should have took you with me when I came to LA" Bryce said.
"Bryce it's ok I am here now" I said. 
"And you are gonna stay here" Bryce said.
"Not like mom even wants me all she does is hit me" I said. 
"She does care about you deep down" Bryce said. 
"No she actually told me I could stay in LA forever and she could care less" I said starting to laugh. 
"And you find that funny" Bryce asked me. 
"Bryce you know I laugh at the weirdest things" I said still laughing. 
"Ok well we are here" Bryce said as he pulled into the driveway.
"YOU LIVE HERE" I yelled. 
"Yes" he said. 
"Oh my god your rich...I should have realized when I saw the tesla" I said.
"Ok ok let me get you to the window" Bryce said getting out the car. I also got out of the car and followed Bryce to a window. 

"Ok just be quiet until you hear me get in" Bryce whispered. I nodded and went through the window into a dark room that looked like a bathroom. I could hear guys yelling something upstairs and I heard the front door open. 
"Anyone want food" I heard Bryce yell and footsteps running downstairs. 
"Wheres the food" I heard someone yell. I got a message from Bryce to go upstairs. I got out of the bathroom and looked around and saw a staircase so I ran upstairs into a random room. I hid under the bed and heard footsteps coming into the room. I could see people walking around and some of them sitting on a couch or on the bed. 
"Wanna film a youtube video" I heard Bryce say. 
"Sure but what are we gonna film" somebody asked. 
" I dont know but let me get my camera real quick" Bryce said running out of the room. 


Where are you

Under the bed in the room everyone is in

Ok when I start filming get out from under the bed 


Olivias pov

I just laid under the bed waiting for Bryce to come back and start filming. 
"Ok guys im filming now" Bryce said. I stuck my arms out form under the bed trying to pull myself out. 
"WHAT THE FUCK " I heard someone yell. 
"BRYCE WHO IS THAT" someone else yelled. 
"Can someone help me out" I asked kinda whispering.
"Are you sneaking girls in" someone said.
"Not how you think but yes I am sneaking a girl in" Bryce said. Someone grabbed my arms and dragged me out. 
"Thanks I was under there for like ten minutes" I said quietly. 
"How did you get in and who are you" one of the guys asked. 
"Bryce you have a girlfriend" another guy said. 

"Im not gonna fuck my sister so calm down" Bryce said. 
"Oh your Olivia" one of the guys said. 
"Yes I am and I got in through the window" I said i said still whispering. 
"So who is who" I asked barley loud enough so they could hear.
"Im Josh Richards" Josh said
"Im Griffin Johnson" Griffin said. 
"Im Quinton Griggs" Quinton said. 
"Im Jaden Hossler" Jaden said. 
"Im Blake Gray" Blake said. 
"Im Noah Beck" Noah said. 
"Im Kio Cyr" Kio said. 
"Im Anthony Reeves Anthony said. 
"Im Olivia Hall" I said quietly. 
"I think they knew that" Bryce said laughing and I could feel my face becoming red. 

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