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*Olivias POV*

I slammed the door to Bryce room and feel to the floor crying. I didn't realize all the boys were in there but they all pulled me into a hug and didn't let go.
"What happened" Bryce asked. 
"Jaden cheated on me with Mads and he was never at the studio he just dated me until him and Mads got back together and he probably never even loved me or cared" I cried and Bryce hugged me again. 
"He wasn't worth it and he isn't worth your crying" Kio said. 
"But I trusted him and I loved him but he never cared" I cried. 
"How about you go to sleep so you forget about Jaden" Bryce said and I nodded. I got up and walked to my room with Bryce. 
"Goodnight Liv I love you" Bryce said and kissed my forehead before leaving my room and closing the door. 

I couldn't sleep all I could think about was how Jaden cheated. Why was I not enough he promised to never hurt me but that promise probably meant nothing to him and I never meant anything to him. I was never enough for anyone something was wrong with me I don't blame Jaden for cheating I wasn't pretty like Mads and I wasn't skinny like her either. I got up and grabbed my vape that I had snuck back to LA from home and a few white claws that I had hidden. I got drunk very easily so all it took was a few white claws for me to get drunk. I put the drinks and vape into my backpack with a portable charger. I took off Jaden hoodie and threw it onto the ground and put on one of my own sweatshirts and sweatpants. I knew Bryce would never let me go without looking through my bag so I snuck out the window and started walking to wherever I was going which I had no idea. 

I turned off my location and played my Mgk playlist through my airpods. I texted Bryce that I would be home at some point and then put my phone on silent as I walked through the streets of LA late at night. 

*Jadens POV*

I love Liv I really did and it hurt thinking that she thought it was all fake. I laid in bed crying when Bryce came in. I sat up scared what he was about to do. Bryce stared at me for a minute before saying anything. 
"Jaden why did you cheat" he yelled. 
"I don't know ok" I yelled back. 
"Well Liv is in her room crying because of you" he yelled and grabbed his phone from his pocket and his face went blank. He ran to Liv's room and I got up and ran to her room as well. 
"Where is she" I asked. 
"Somewhere in LA thinking she's not enough and she doesn't deserve anything" Bryce said freaking out.
"I did that" I asked. 
"Jaden she think you don't care about her and you don't love her" he said. 
"But I love her more then I could ever love Mads and to be honest I don't know why I cheated on Liv with Mads our relationship was just sex but with Liv she cared and I love her she is more then I even deserve" I said. 
"Bryce your her brother please help us get back together" I cried. 
"Jaden i'm her brother not a magician and after what you did you gonna need magic" he said. 
"Do you have any ideas where she could be" he asked.

"I think I may know" I said. 
"Ok can you go...actually give me the address" he said. 
"You aren't going i'm gonna go" I said. 
"Jaden thats not the best idea" he said. 
"Please" I sobbed. 
"Fine" he said. I ran downstairs and grabbed my keys. I jumped into my car and started driving. 

*Olivias POV*

I somehow ended up in the spot Jaden always took me to. I sat on the bench and watched the city as tears streamed out of my eyes. I looked at my phone to see tons of missed calls and messages the one that I noticed was Jadens 205 missed calls and 186 messages. What was he gonna do tell me he loved me but didn't even care. I noticed someone sit next to me and looked to see Jaden. I looked away and ignored him until he took off my airpod. 
"Stop" I said. 
"Liv this wasn't supposed to happen" he said. 
"Was I supposed to never find out that you were cheating until you got tired of me and wanted to go back to Mads" I yelled and Jaden just sat there. 
"Exactly Jaden it's true you never cared and you never will so just fuck off" I yelled. 
"Liv I don care" he said. 
"Jaden I said fuck off" I said. Jaden grabbed my vape from next to me and looked at it. 
"What the fuck" he yelled. 
"Why do you have this" he yelled but I put my airpod back in and walked away leaving Jaden. I still had no idea where I was going but I would end up somewhere. Once I had gotten kinda far it started raining a little but I loved walking through the rain when I felt sad because it was like the sky was crying with me. I decided I would text Bryce just to let him know I was ok. 

(Look at the network I am very proud of it)

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(Look at the network I am very proud of it)

I continued walking and my hair was soaked at this point but it felt good. I opened the door to sway and saw Bryce, Kio, Josh, and Jaden sleeping on the couch. I went over to Bryce and woke him up. 
"Liv" he whispered. 
"Im gonna change and go to bed" I said. 
"Ok goodnight" he said and kissed my forehead. I went to my room and changed before flopping onto my bed and immediately falling asleep. 


Ok I honestly don't care if people tell me to update but this weekend just so you know I may not be able to because I am moving and have tons of stuff but like I will try even if it means staying up until like 5am but anywhore don't ask me to update this weekend cause I will try but I have no clue what's gonna happen like for all I know i'm gonna slide down the stairs and break something and be in the hospital although that would mean posting more so let's hope I end up in the hospital with a broken leg...did I really just write that hope I end up in the hospital 

Im watching Bidens stupid speech for school

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