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*Jadens POV*

I woke up on the couch next to Josh and Kio. I was still pretty tired but I wanted to see if Liv was in her room yet. I walked upstairs to her room I walked in since the door was open and noticed she was curled up and looked cold because she didn't get under the blankets. I lifted her up up put her under the blankets. 
"Im sorry I really do love you but I will fix this" I whispered before leaving. I went to my room and went on twitter to see some new posts from Liv that broke my heart. 


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I can't believe she thought this

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I can't believe she thought this. I felt so bad. I felt my eyes start to water but Josh came in. 
"Hey bud" he said. 
"Hey" I said. 
"What's gonna happen with Juice" he asked. 
"What do you mean" I asked
"Well he's like Liv's child" Josh said. 
"Your right Liv needs Juice" I said. 
"I can't just say here's my dog you need him more then I do" I said. 
"Juice likes her more then me anyway he'll probably go with her anyways" I said. 
"Ok now what did you come here for really" I asked. 
"I just want to know why did you cheat" he asked
"I don't know it just happened and I never expected Liv to find out" I said. 
"Saying that out loud I sound like a dick" I said. Josh nodded and walked out. 

*Olivias POV*

I had a notebook full of songs that I wrote. It was like a diary but just written as songs. I knew I had a good singing voice but I had never sang infront of anyone not even Bryce. I yelled songs with other people but never actual singing. I decided I wanted to use the song I made yesterday and try to make it an actual song. I was good at editing songs and stuff and I knew where I could record. I ran downstairs with my book and saw all the boys sitting there. 
"Where are you going" Kio asked. 
"It's a surprise" I said. 
"Are you coming home drunk or high" Bryce asked. 
"Haha how funny" I said sarcastically. 
"Well then where are you going" Josh asked. 
"You'll see later I should be back by five" I said and left. I asked Nessa and Addison to pick me up so we could go to the studio together.

*Back at sway because I don't know what to write about the studio*

Nessa and Addison both left after they dropped me off because both of them had an argument with Josh or Bryce. I opened the front door to sway and saw Noah and Blake. 
"So where did you go" Noah asked.
"I did something" I said.
"What was it" Blake asked.
"Check my my twitter" I said and went to my room. 
"I have no life" I groaned to myself and giggled. I saw Jaden walk in and there. 
"Jaden get out of my room and get out of my life" I said. 
"Liv please" he said. I saw his eyes were read and puffy.
"Jaden no matter what happens I can't forgive you so get out" I said. Jaden walked out so I locked my door. I could finally stop acting happy around everyone. I felt ears run down my cheeks as thoughts raced through my mind. 


Why am I not enough. Why am I alive. Nobody cares about me. Im so fat. Im ugly. I deserve all the pain I got. I want to end it. I have no happiness. Why was I born. I shouldn't exist. All these thoughts I couldn't control them. I walked to the bathroom and got on my knees infront of the toilet I grabbed my toothbrush and pushed it to the back of my throat making myself throw up until it hurt and nothing would come out. I got up and found another blade. I cut really deep and blood started coming out faster then I wanted but I watched as blood dripped from my wrist down to the sink and floor. I watched it for a minute before making another cut and another and another until I felt dizzy and started losing balance. What's going on I didn't want to die yet that wasn't my intention I grabbed my phone and was able to dial 911 but everything went black before I could say anything. 


Whats's gonna happen with Liv? I have no clue yet so next chapter is gonna be super hard to write but it will be done.

So you think I would be nice or like mean or how do you think I am irl

Wrong Number- Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now