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*Jadens POV*

I woke up with my arms around Liv as she slept. I kissed her forehead and played with her hair until she slowly woke up. 
"Goodmorning princess" I said and she just laid there with her eyes closed. 
"Liv goodmorning" I said. 
"I liked princess better" she said. I hugged her and kissed her all over her face. After a few minutes, she opened her eyes and pecked me on the lips. 
"I love you" she said. 
"Love you to" I said and Juice came in between us licking our face. 
"Juice your breath stinks" Liv laughed as Juice attacked her with kisses. Liv kissed him back on his mouth and laughed as he walked away. 
"Did you really just watch me sleep" she asked. 
"Ya" I said. 
"How were you not bored" she asked. 
"Your pretty so it doesn't get boring watching you" I said.

*Olivias POV* 

"Jaden that's adorable" I said and kissed him. We kissed for a minute and then Jaden bit my bottom lip asking for entrance. I let him stick his tongue into my mouth. Jaden pulled me onto his lap not breaking the kiss. He went from my jawline to my neck sucking on my sweet spot making me quietly moan. 
"Hey, Liv- WHAT THE FUCK" Bryce said as he saw me sitting on Jadens lap as Jaden sucked on my neck. 
"Dude you said nothing would happen" Bryce said. 
"Well it wasn't going to and then it just kinda did" Jaden said. 
"Well since you two can't be left alone come downstairs" Bryce said and I rolled my eyes as Jaden and I followed him. I saw Natalia sitting in the kitchen talking to Blake and Amelie. 
"Nat" Jaden said and went to give her a hug. Once I was about to hug her she looked weirdly at me then Jaden. 
"I can see something happened in the bedroom" she said. 
"Aren't you like sixteen and Jaden is like eighteen" she asked and I nodded. 

"So does Jaden have a thing for sixteen year olds because he also started dating Mads when she was sixteen" Natalia said.
"That reminds me Mads should be here in like an hour" I said. 
"Why does she have to come here" Jaden whined. 
"Stop whining I know you used to rail her" I said and his face went red. 
"Ok well I'm gonna do my makeup" I said and Jaden followed me back to my room. I got my makeup bag and started doing my makeup.  
"Why do you have to do your makeup" Jaden asked.
"Because without it I look like a ugly rat and with it, I look like...a rat" I said. 
"You never look like a rat" Jaden says kissing the top of my head. 
"Then I look like shit" I said. 
"No your beautiful, pretty, cute, adorable, and sexy" he said.
"Jay don't call me sexy" I said and he nodded.
"Liv Mads is here" Bryce yelled from downstairs. 
"She is here sooner than I expected but come on" I said grabbing Jadens arm trying to pull him downstairs. 

"Don't act like you don't wanna see her because I know you asked to hook up with her when I left" I said. 
"But I was high and mad and I just wasn't thinking" he said. 
"Fine" I said and ran downstairs to greet Mads who was sitting on the couch. 
"Hey Mads" I said hugging her.
"Hey Liv" she said. 
"Hey wanna go get our nails done and maybe our, hair" she asked and I nodded. 
"Let me just change real quick" I said running back upstairs. I saw Jaden on his phone and just changed in front of him. I could tell he was staring at my body. 
"Jay my eyes are up here" I laughed and he quickly looked to my face. 
"Sorry I just got distracted" he said.
"By my ass or boobs" I laughed. 
"Both" he said as I put on a pair of jeans a crop top. 
"I'm going with Mads to get my nails and hair done and I should be back later" I said.
"Ok love you bye" he said as I hugged him and pecked him on the lips. I quickly ran downstairs to Mads and we got in her car. 

"So what nails are you thinking of, getting" Mads asked me as we walked into the nail salon. 
"These" I said as I showed her a picture. 
"Those are so cute" she said. 
"I should get the yellow ones" Mads said. 
"That would be so cute" I said. Once we got out nails done this is what they looked like(Imagine Mads as yellow ones of these)

 Once we got out nails done this is what they looked like(Imagine Mads as yellow ones of these)

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"Ok now that our nails are done and looking amazing let's get out hair done" I said and we walked to the hair salon across the street. (Skip that place because I have no idea what they could do there). 
"Bye" I said as I walked inside and Mads drove away. 
"I'm home" I said but nobody was in the living room.  
"I'm home" I said as I barged into Jadens room but he was playing some video game. 
"Jay" I said. 
"Jay hello I'm home" I said. 
"Give me an hour" he said. 
"But I don't wanna wait an hour" I whined and Jaden didn't pay attention. 

I stood in front of the tv trying to get his attention. 
"Liv move" Jaden said. 
"Yea sorry Liv is getting in the way" Jaden said to the boys I'm guessing.  
"Jayyyyyy" I whined as I flopped next to him on the couch in his room. I put my head on his lap and he accidentally hit me with his elbow. 
"Owwww" I whined as I sat up but Jaden continued playing his game. I took off his headset and put it on which I could tell annoyed him but he immediately tried taking it back. 
"Liv can you stop being so annoying" he said and took the headset from my hands. I got up and unplugged the tv and Jaden looked at me. 
"What was that for" he said raising his voice. 
"Your annoying girlfriend wants attention" I said and he sighed. 
"Come here" he said patting his lap. I went and sat on his lap and he smiled as he looked at my hair.

"I like your hair" he said. 
"I copied yours" I giggled. 
"I can tell" he laughed. (imagine her hair the same color as Jadens with the same red piece).
"You hit me with your elbow" I said and he kissed my head.
"I'm sorry" he said. 
"It's ok you can play your game now I just wanted to show you my hair" I said. 
"Seriously you couldn't wait an hour for your hair" he said.
"Oh and look at my nails" I said. 
"Cute" he said. 
"Ok now you can play your game as long as you want just don't hit me" I said. 
"You gonna stay next to me as I play" he asked and I laid my head on his lap smiling at him. 
"I have a better idea" he said pulling me so I would be sitting on his lap straddling him with his hands behind my back playing as I hugged him. The tv was plugged back in and Jaden was playing his game as I fell asleep with my head resting on his back. 


Did I write this while taking a test worth 80% of my grade? Yes I did. Am I proud of it? Yes I very much am. Do I have two minutes to finish the last 11 questions? Make that one minute-

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