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*Three days later*

*Olivias POV*

I hadn't been talking to Jaden much but I decided I wanted try to talk to him today. I had also only eaten a little bit of cereal and a slice of pizza since the Starbucks. I had found the necklace I had given Jaden while we were dating before the whole Kio thing but he gave it back to me and I never gave it back to him. I walked to his room and knocked but no answer. I walked inside and could see he was on his balcony. I walked onto his balcony and realized he was smoking. 
"If your gonna tell me to stop dont waste your time and leave now" he said and I just broke down. 
"A bunch of people are dead because of smoking and drugs and I dont want you to be next Jay" I sobbed and he sat next to me and hugged me. I cuddled into him even though I didn't like the smell but it was getting late and it was cold and I loved cuddling with Jaden. He put his arms around me and his head on top of mine. 
"I can't lose you I just got you back and I still love you" I said. Jaden took his arms from around me and looked at me.

"I love you too" he said and before I knew it we were both leaning in and our lips smashed onto each other. We kissed for a minute before pulling away and smiling. 
"So what are we" he asked and I just looked at him confused. 
"I guess what im trying to ask is, will you go on a date with me" he asked and I immediately nodded.
"Ok tomorrow at 5pm" he said and I smiled. 
"Also wear something casual and no makeup" he said. 
"Can I wear you clothes" I asked and he smiled. 
"They look better on you" he laughed. He tried to kiss me again but I moved my head. 
"You taste gross to sorry" I said. 
"Fine let me shower and brush my teeth so we can cuddle in your room" he said and I smiled. I walked out and saw Bryce. 

"Why you so smiley" he asked. 
"Because Jay and I kissed" I smiled. 
"So you are dating again" he asked.
"No" I said.
"Im super confused but get it I guess" he said and I laughed and walked to my room. I showered and changed into Jadens clothes. I walked out to see him sitting on my bed with food. 
"Hello" he said and I jumped onto him basically tackling him. 
"I missed doing that to you" I laughed and rolled to the other side of him. 
"Will you kiss me now" he asked. 
"Fine" I said and pecked him on the lips. 
"Still smell and taste but it's fine I guess" I laughed and cuddled into his side.

"I got pizza" he said and grabbed the box that was on the floor. 
"Im good" I said.
"I know you haven't been eating" he said. 
"I have" I said.
"Ok what did you eat yesterday" he asked.
"Bacon, pizza, nuggies, and ice cream" I said. 
"You were here all day and nobody came to your room and you didn't leave" he said. 
"So you were keeping track of that" I asked. 
"Well ya so eat" he said. 
"Im not hungry" I said. 
"Please" he said.
"No" I responded. 
"Just tell me what do you want to eat and i'll get it" he said. 
"Nothing" I said. 

"Liv you have to be craving something" he said.
"Fine I may want mac and cheese" I said. 
"From anywhere specific" he asked as he got up. 
"No Jay stay here" I whined. 
"No now where from" he asked. 
"Box" I said. 
"Ok i'll be back soon" he said but I followed. 
"Im coming with" I said and he chuckled as we went to the store. Once we were home Jaden went to the kitchen and I followed him again. 
"Your not gonna stop following me are you" he chuckled. 
"Mhm" I said shaking my head and getting as close as I could for him.
"I kind of have to make your mac and cheese so you have to move" he said.
"Fine" I sighed and sat on the counter. 

Jaden started making the mac and cheese and was waiting for it to boil. 
"Im tired" I said and he came and stood in between my legs.
"Once you eat you can sleep" he said and I put my head on his chest. 
"Ok" I mumbled as we hugged each other and I fell asleep. 

*Jaden POV*

Liv had fallen asleep against my chest but I needed to finish cooking so I picked her up and brought her to her room and laid her under the covers. Once I laid her down she grabbed my arm. 
"Liv I will be back in a minute" I said but she didn't let go. I slowly pulled my arm away and went back downstairs where all the boys where. 
"So we heard you and Liv kissed" Noah said. 
"Ok and" I asked as I put the cheese sauce stuff into the macaroni. 
"So you planning on taking her to her prom in a few weeks" Blake asked. 
"Wait what" I asked. 
"You didn't know" Josh asked. 
"No" I said.
"I can send you the details and you can ask her on your date tomorrow" Bryce said. 
"How did you know about the date" I asked. 

"Im not gonna let you be in the same room alone without listening" Bryce said.
"Oh and you better not get her pregnant" Bryce said. 
"I won't" I said. 
"If you do im cutting your dick off" Anthony said. 
"I will remember that" I said. 
"I still can't believe we all thought it was Kio's baby" Josh said. 
"We never even apologized" Blake said. 
"Don't even mention the baby to her or else she will start crying" I said and they all nodded. 
"Ok well im gonna go back with Liv" I said and walked upstairs. I saw Liv sitting on her bed half asleep. 
"Here you go" I said placing the bowl infront of her. 

"I don't want to" she said pushing the bowl away. 
"Please Liv" I said. 
"Only a little bit" she said as she ate some. After she had a a few bites she put the bowl on the floor. 
"Ok done" she said. 
"You didnt eat that much" I said. 
"But I ate" she said as she laid her head on my chest. I sighed and rubbed her back until she feel asleep. 


Lmao there is something nobody is expecting next chapter or page or whatever you call it

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