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*Jadens POV*

I heard a loud thud come from Livs room and something didn't feel right about it. I ran to her room and opened the door. 
"Liv" I asked. 
"LIV" I yelled as loud as I could.  I went to her bathroom door and it was locked. I saw a little bit of blood coming from the bottom of the door. I hit the door causing it to fall and saw Liv laying on the floor unconscious and blood everywhere. I grabbed my phone and called and an ambulance and they told me they had one on the way. I had Livs head on my lap and I took off my shirt and tied it on her wrist to try and stop the bleeding a little but nothing was working. 
"Please Liv I need you I can't live without you in my life we don't have to date just please don't leave me" I said as I grabbed her hand. All the boys came running in and stopped once they saw Liv and I in a puddle of her blood. 

Bryce quickly moved to the other side of her and we were all crying. Some people came in with a stretcher and got her on quickly. Bryce followed since he was aloud in the ambulance. I ran to my room and got a shirt on before grabbing my keys. 
"Jaden you can't drive like this" Josh yelled from behind me. 
"But I need to go with Liv" I yelled back. 
"I'll drive" Josh said so I got into the passenger seat and Josh got into the drivers. Once we got to the hospital I ran to the front desk.
"What room is Olivia Hall in" I asked. 
"She is in surgery right now but I will tell you once she is out" the lady said. I sat on one of the seats and saw Bryce with red and puffy eyes. 
"I'm sorry Bryce this is all my fault" I said as tears continued to stream out of my eyes. 
"Jaden it's not all your fault" Bryce said. 
"If I hadn't just cheat she would be fine" I said. 
"Jaden if our parents hadn't abused us our whole lives she would be fine so don't blame it on yourself" Bryce said. Everyone was sleeping after about an hour but I couldn't sleep until I knew Liv was safe. After about another two hours the front desk lady came to us
"Everyone here for Olivia Hall" the she said. 

I jumped up and woke up Bryce. 
"Olivia is in her room now" I said and he also jumped up. 
"So we only want one person in there at a time and she isn't awake yet but if she wakes up please call a doctor in there" the woman said. 
"Ok you go" I said to Bryce. I woke everyone else up and the girls had also came to the hospital for Liv. We had planned who was going and I was last. Once it was my turn and I got to her room I ran next to the bed and kissed her forehead. 
"I'm so happy your kinda ok now" I said to her as she slept. I sat on the chair next to her bed and held her hand as I cried. I felt her slowly pull her hand away and looked to see her eyes open. I quickly went to to get a doctor and they came and gave her shot before leaving again. 
"Liv i'm so sorry" I said and she didn't respond. 
"I love you and I know you don't love me anymore but please forgive me" I cried. 
"Your right I don't love you anymore and I never will love you again and I also won't forgive you so leave and tell everyone to leave because I don't want to see anyone I just want to sit here" she said. 

"Please Liv don't make me leave I can't live without you" I cried. 
"Jaden for the last time get out of my life and don't come back because I hate you and I can't forgive you" she said. 
"I'm sorry for everything and I love you no matter what" I said before leaving. Everyone got up and Bryce was gonna stay the night. 
"Bryce she wants to be alone" I said and he nodded. Once we got back to sway I laid in bed and continued crying. I need Liv in my life she made all my problems go away. I stood up and walked around my room thinking. She almost died and it's my fault I shouldn't have left. I punched the wall threw stuff onto the floor causing glass to break and leaving a big mess. I laid in bed again and fell asleep. 

*Olivias POV*

After everyone had left I had to take some medicine which also made me tired. I felt like I had been to hard on Jaden but at the same time he cheated on me. I was confused on what I should do. I was getting out of the hospital tomorrow which meant I would see Jaden again tomorrow. Should I try and talk to him or should I- actually no I won't talk to him he cheated and I don't want to forgive him. I looked at my wrist which now had a scar. I'm not sure if i'm happy to be alive or upset. I was really tired so  I decided to go to sleep. 


I heard my mom and her bf having some ✨fun✨last night on her bed like I have heard it many times but they were LOUD this time like I heard that clapping and there was some intense kissing I could hear and the moans ew.

Wrong Number- Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now