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*Olivias POV*

I was getting ready to go to the mall with Addison and Nessa right now even though Jaden kept begging me not to go. Jaden was currently outside my door giving me reasons to not go and what we could do instead. 
"We can do face masks" he said. 
"No" I said
"You can straighten my hair" 
"What if you get in a car accident and die" 
"That will probably not happen" 
"I can take insta photos for you" 
"Taking insta photos for me isn't an option" 
"Well what can we do so you will stay" he asked.
"Nothing Jaden I have spent the last two weeks with you" I said.
"But that was the last two weeks I want to spend today with you" he said. I opened the door since I had finished changing. Jaden picked me up and hugged me tightly. 
"Jaden I was just changing" I said. 
"But you are leaving" he said. 
"To the mall which is a twenty minute drive" I said. 
"Or you can stay here next to me" he said. 
"Ok well I have to go" I said and Jaden put me down and walked downstairs with Jaden. I was about to walk out the door but he held my hand and didn't let go. 
"Jaden please just let me go" I said. 
"Fine" he said and let go. I pecked him on the lips and ran to Addisons car and got in the back seat. 

"Heyyy" Nessa and Addison said. 
"Heyyy" I said. 
"So should we go eat first" Addison asked. 
"Let's go to chick- fil- a" Nessa said. 
"You okay with that Liv" Addison asked. 
"Anything is fine with me" I said. 
"Ok then let's go" Addison said as she got on the freeway. 
"So how's everything between you and Jaden" Nessa asked. 
"Normal and I feel bad for not saying I love you back but I don't know yet" I said. 
"What did he say I love you" Addison asked. 
"Yup" I said. 
"Gurl give me the details" she said. 
"Ok so yesterday Jaden told me he loved me but I just can't say it yet and I have never told anyone accept Bryce I love them" I said. 
"So he is ok with it" Addison asked. 
"I could tell he was a little hurt but he said he was ok" I said. 
"Ok so what was with the hickeys the other day" Addison asked. 
"He got a little carried away but I stopped it before anything serious happened" I said. 
"So you have never fucked" Nessa said. 
"Nope" I said. 
"Really" Addison asked.
"We haven't even been dating a full month yet" I said. 
"Ya but Bryce and I...maybe I should keep that to myself" she said. 
"Please do I dont wanna know about my brother and best friends sex life together" I said and laughed. 

*At the mall*

"So what store first" I asked. 
"Forever 21" Nessa asked. 
"Ok then lets go" I said and we all walked there and picked lots of clothes while talking about random stuff and taking pictures with fans. 
"Where next" I asked. 
"Victoria Secret" Addison said. 
"So you can get something that will be for Bryce to" I said. 
"Maybe" she said. 
"Ok make sure to tell me before you show Bryce any of what your gonna buy sio I can leave the house" I said. 
"Will do" Addison said. 

*Back at Sway*
*Tw EDs and Self Harm*

"Bye" I said to Nessa and Addison who weren't sleeping over today. 
"Bye" they said and I closed the car door and walked to the front door. I knocked and Jaden opened it quickly. 
"Finally your back" he said as he hugged me. 
"Jaden I was at the Mall" I said. 
"For to long" he said. 
"Its only seven" I said. 
"Did you leave because it closed" he asked. 
"Maybe" I said and got out of the hug. 
"Hey come back here" he said and hugged me again. 
"Jaden why have you been so clingy today" I asked. 
"Why have you been calling me Jaden and not Jay" he asked. I started walking up the stairs but he quickly followed. 
"Liv are you mad at me because if you are im so sorry I didn't mean to make you mad I love you" he said. 
"Jaden im not mad I just...I dont know Jaden but im not mad at you" I said. He smiled and hugged me as we walked to the room. 
"So what do you wanna do for the rest of the night" he asked. 
"Sleep" I said. 
"Ok let go" he said. 
"Ok let me shower real quick" I said and walked to Jadens bathroom. Once I took off my shirt I looked at my stomach in the mirror and realized how much I ate today. I felt gross and fat and I needed to get rid of the food I had eaten today right now. I tied my hair in a bun and shoved my fingers down my throat until I threw up and kept doing it till my throat burned every breath I took. Once I was done I flushed the toilet and finished taking off all my clothes so I could shower. Once I finished I dried myself and looked at my stomach in the mirror before putting Jadens sweatshirt and my nike pro shorts on. I was hungry but didn't want to have to make myself through up again because my throat was already burning. Why couldn't I be skinny like Nessa and Addison why did I have to be the fat one in the group they are so pretty and then there is me. All the sway boys have beautiful girlfriends and I feel bad Jaden ended up with me. 

He should be with Mads she is so pretty and skinny and im ugly and fat. Why am I thinking like this I do everything I can to stop and then I just can't stop thinking like this it always comes back and I want it to stop. I opened the drawer and grabbed a blade before cutting my wrist twice on each wrist I quickly bandaged it and put the blade away before rinsing my face to make sure it didn't look like I had been crying. I walked out to see Jaden on his phone. 
"Hey Jay" I said. 
"Finally im Jay again" he said and I laughed. 
"Ok lets go to bed now" I said and laid down next to him. 
"Liv are you ok since the cutting" he asked. 
"Uh y-ya why wouldn't I be I couldn't be doing better" I said.
"Just asking" he said before turning off the light and laying next to me and kissed my cheek.
"I love you" he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist as I drifted to sleep. 

*Jaden POV* 

Something about Liv seemed off today and I knew something was wrong but I didn't know what. I had decided to wait for her to sleep before checking her wrists which had four new cuts and two that I didn't know about which were old. I need to tell Bryce but she needs to trust me. I couldn't sleep knowing she was hurting herself so I was thinking for three hours until I finally fell asleep. 


No school today so I am watching Vampire Diaries while writing this. 

If you like Kio to go read Alluring by ARIANABIGS 

There may only be a few parts right now but its good 

There may only be a few parts right now but its good 

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