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*Olivias POV*

I got into the driver's seat as Jaden gets into the passenger seat looking worried and scared.
"Please don't kill us" Jaden says and I laughed. 
"I'll try" I laughed and Jaden had his hand on my thigh tightly. 
"If your that scared you don't have to teach me" I said. 
"I said I would so I'm gonna teach you" Jaden said. (I don't know how to drive so use your imagination). Once I was driving I was going kinda slow so I wouldn't crash into anything even though I was in an empty parking lot. 
"Your going super slow" Jaden said.
"Wanna see some real speed" I said. 
"No no no I take back what I said" he said holding onto the handle that's on the car ceiling roof thingy.  

"To late" I said as I went faster. 
"Liv slow down slow down" Jaden said and I didn't listen until I hit the side of his car on something on accident. 
"I'm so sorry" I said as he quickly got out to check. I followed and saw a dent and scratch on the side.
"Jay I'm sorry I sorry I didn't mean to please don't get mad it was an accident" I said and started crying because I felt bad. Jaden sighed and hugged me. 
"It's fine I'll get it fixed" he said as he rubbed my back. 
"Your not mad at me" I asked. 
"I am mad but it was an accident" he said as he wiped away my tears. 
"How about we go home but I drive" he said and I nodded. 

Once we got home everyone was at the Hype house party. 
"Want something to eat" he asked and I shook my head. 
"Not even chick fil a" he asked. 
"Jay I'm seriously not hungry I already ate" I lied.
"What did you eat" he asked. 
"I had food" I said. 
"What food" he asked. 
"The one that goes in your stomach" I said. 
"Fine I'm making myself a frozen pizza" he said and went downstairs. He came back twenty minutes later with a pizza and sat next to me on his bed. 
"Here have some" he said. I looked at it and wanted to throw up. (I don't know if that happens to any of you but looking at food makes me wanna vomit sometimes and also thinking about food like thinking about that pizza is gross). 

"Jay I don't want any" I said. 
"Princess you need to eat" he said as he put a slice near my mouth. 
"Jaden stop" I said pushing it away. 
"Please I hate to see you not eating" he said. 
"And I hate eating" I said. 
"Please just do this because you dented my car" he said. 
"Why did you have to make me feel guilty" I asked as I took a bite of pizza. 
"Because you need to eat" he said. 
"I'm fat though and then I feel bad I can't make myself look pretty for you" I said.
"You can't be serious" he said. 
"I am literally in love with you and wanna make you Mrs. Hossler one day and tell our kids how we met and I wanna die holding your hand knowing you were mine and nobody else's" Jaden said. 
"We have the same dreams" I said smiling. After I finished a slice of pizza Jaden had finished the rest of the box and he was currently hugging me so my back was against his chest. 


(I have no idea how to word thing but whatever)

We were watching the tangled because I love that movie. After another ten minutes of watching I felt something poking my butt but I ignored it. I could feel Jaden moving a little so I turned around.
"Are you ok" I asked.
"Ya" he said but he didn't look fine. I turned back around so my back was against Jadens chest. Whatever it was kept poking my butt so I moved my butt around a little which made Jaden groan. 

"Baby please stop moving" he groaned so I stopped. 
"But somethings poking my butt and I don't like it" I said. I turned around and looked to see
Jaden had a boner. I sat up and Jaden continued to lay down. I sat on his lap and slammed my lips onto his as I started grinding against him. He groaned into the kiss and started removing his shirt and my shirt. Once we were both shirtless he flipped us over and started kissing down my neck trying to find my sweet spot. Once he found my sweet spot he kept sucking on it making me quietly moan. I arched my back so he could remove my bra. He unclipped my bra and started playing with my breasts. I put my hands into Jadens hair and lightly pulled it. 

He started going down to my chest and stomach giving me hickeys. I flipped us over and sat on his stomach as I rubbed his dick through his pants making him groan. 
"Do something" he groaned and I just smirked. I pulled down his sweats and boxers making his dick spring up. I put his length into my mouth slowly bobbing my head making him groan. 
"Princess go faster" he groaned. I went as fast as I could and I was gagging a little but I kept going as fast as I could until I felt Jaden twitch in my mouth and I felt a warm liquid in my mouth that I swallowed. Jaden flipped us back over and I took off my pants and underwear as he opened a condom. Once he got the condom on he slammed into me without warning making me moan loudly. 
"Faster Jaden" I moaned.

"That's not my name princess" he said as he stopped thrusting into me.
"Faster daddy" I moaned and he thrusted as fast as he could hitting my g-spot every time. The room was filled with the sound of moans and skin slapping together. 
"Daddy i'm about to cum" I moaned. 
"Me to" he groaned. 
"Cum in 3...2..1" he said and I released onto his dick. He flipped us over and kept me on his dick as we breathed heavily. 
"I need to pee and take a bath" I said. 
"Do you have to" he asked and I nodded my head. He slid me off his dick as we both hissed in a breath. 
"Can you walk or do I carry you" he asked. 

"Carry me" I asked and he laughed and picked me up setting me down on the toilet as he set up the bath. 
"Bath bomb or no bath bomb" he asked. 
"Bath bomb" I said and he put one in the water. 
"Bubbles" he asked and I nodded my head. Once everything was in the tub he put me in and also got in. I got closer I laid my head on his chest. 
"Never thought I would have seggs while watching Tangled" I laughed. 
"What can I say you turn me on" Jaden said. 
"I know" I said proudly and he laughed. 
"Ok let me clean you up and me up so we can sleep" he said and he put soap onto my sponge.
"I did a really good job" Jaden said proudly making me confused.
"Good job what" I asked. 

"Marking you as mine" Jaden smirked as I looked at him and splashed water into him face. Once Jaden and I were cleaned up Jaden wrapped himself in a towel. 
"I'll be back give me a minute" he said and went back the room. I could hear him doing something in the room before coming back with a towel and wrapping me in it. He carried me to the bed and put a pair of his sweatpants and a sweathshirt of his on me. 
"You changed the sheets" I asked.
"Yup" he responded as he pulled me close to him. 
"You know I can walk" I said. 
"It's ok I like carying you" he said. He pulled me tightly into a hug and kissed my head as I fell asleep. 


My mom just called me anorexic, that really hurt. Another thing that hurts is when my mom and aunt make jokes with each other about being bulimic and anorexic when I actually force myself to vomit after eating but they don't know that. I also used to eat very little but they know that.

My uncle has a vape and the amount of self-control it took me to not try it was bad. 

I taught two 9 year olds new vocabulary words today.
The words are:
(No I'm not kidding)

Sorry, I didn't post earlier I was shopping and got a cute pair of jeans and a belt.

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