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*Jadens POV*

I woke up and reached for my phone as I kept one arm around Liv. I didn't feel my phone on the table thing and looked and remembered I left it downstairs. Shit hopefully my phone didn't blow up or they probably would have found out and that can't be good. I felt Liv start moving around and she tucked her head into my neck. 
"Whys it so bright" she groaned. 
"Because it's daytime" I groaned mimicking her. She playfully hit me and put her face into the pillow. 
"Im gonna go get something" I said and got up. Liv just laid there and didn't move as I left making me laugh. I went to where I remembered putting my phone but didn't see it. 
"Fuck" I mumbled under my breathe when I heard someone behind me and turned around to see all the boys.

"Looking for this" Bryce said as he waved my phone infront of my face. 
"Give me that" I said trying to grab it but Bryce pulled it away quickly. 
"Who was blowing up your phone last nigh" Blake asked. 
"My mom said would buy me a flight so it was probably her and my sisters can't wait to meet Liv so they were probably sending me tons of messages about that" I said grabbing my phone back. I walked back upstairs and laid down next to Liv. 
"Since we never do anything wanna go on a date" I asked Liv and kissed her head since she was still laying face down in the pillow. 

"Mhm" she said. 
"Don't wear a dress or makeup though and it's at three so you have a while" I said. Liv stayed in the same spot so I rolled her over and pecked her lips bust she put her hands over her eyes. 
"Get up sleeping beauty" I said and kissed her on the lips again. 
"Did true loves kiss work" I asked and laughed. 

*Bryce POV* 

"Jadens not gonna admit it" Josh said. 
"You think I don't know" I said annoyed and pissed at Jaden. 
"What are we gonna do about Liv" Blake asked. 
"How about we wait a few days to tell her to make sure he is actually cheating" I said. 
"Yea maybe we have it wrong because he's always at the studio...Jaden was never at the studio was he" Kio said. 
"Makes sense" Anthony said. 
"How are we gonna tell Liv because this is gonna break her she loves him but he is fucking cheating" Noah said. Liv skipped in happily and we all looked at her confused. 
"Why you so happy" Josh asked. 
"I'm going on a date with Jaden oh and did I tell you guys that I said I love you back" she said and skipped out. 

I could tell everyone was pissed at Jaden and would probably beat his ass soon but that's his problem. 
"Fuck why did Jaden have to do that" I said. 
"Her second time saying I love you to anyone and he goes and cheats on her and she has told him everything about her life that she never told anyone" I said. 
"Maybe we should tell her today" Josh said. 
"No let's wait a day" I said and walked out of the room and back to mine. 

*Olivias POV*

I decided I wanted to post a video on tiktok since I hadn't in a while. 

Caption: First tiktok in a while


@hater82: I can't believe Jaden is dating you you are so ugly

@hater17: Your ugly and fat
ARIANABIGS: Shut up you opossum looking mf

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