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I woke up and checked the time...it was 1pm already. I got up and went downstairs to see everyone down there. 
"Hey you woke up late" Kio said.
"Jet lag" I say. 
"Makes sense" Jaden says. 
"So what are we doing today" Blake asks. 
"Liv what do you want to do" Griffin asks.
"I dont know what is there to do in LA" I said.
"I am going to see Addison soon" Bryce said.
"Im going to Cynthia later" Quinton said. 
"I was going with Nessa later to" Josh said. 
"I was going with Avani" Anthony said. We heard someone knocking on the door and Jaden went to open it. I heard a lot of squeals and people running to the kitchen. 
"Hi liv" Avani said and all the other girls where with her.
"Hey" I said. 

"What are you doing here I thought we were going to your place" Noah said. 
"We aren't here for you guys we are here for liv" Nessa said. 
"Wow I see how it is" Josh said. 
"Chicks before dicks" Cynthia said. The boys just stood their staring at us. 
"Wanna watch movies in the movie room" Addison asked. 
"YES" all the girls yelled. 
"Let's get snacks" Nessa said. They went to the fridge and grabbed as much food as they could. 
"Just stealing our food I see" Jaden said laughing. I just stood there not knowing what to do. 
"Liv grab whatever you can" Addison said. I walked closer the the pantry closet and just stood there staring at everything. 
"Liv you can grab stuff to it's ok" Jaden said. I grabbed as much food as my little arms and hands could hold and walked to the movie room.
"Ok what are we watching" Avani asked. 

"Harry Potter or Vampire diaries" I suggested.
"Yes Harry Potter" Avani said while putting on Harry Potter.
"Can watch with you" Bryce said loud enough from the entrance of the movie room so everyone could hear.
"Yes just be quiet" Amelie said. The boys walked in and sat next to there girlfriends while Kio, Jaden, and I where all sitting next to each other. After an hour I got bored so I left the movie room and went my room. I was watching tiktoks for a few minutes when I heard someone walk in. 

"Hey" Jaden said. 
"Hey" I said nervously. 
"Why are you so nervous when your around any of the boys except Bryce" Jaden asked. 
"Its nothing" I said. 
"You can tell me" Jaden said. 
"Its really personal" I said. 
"Its alright" Jaden said.
"JADEN" I heard Kio yell from downstairs. 
"COMING" Jaden yelled back and left. 

*Jadens pov*

I went downstairs and saw Kio standing in the kitchen. 
"Hey wanna get something to eat" Kio asked. 
"Sure wanna ask Griffin and liv" I asked him. 
"I asked Griffin and he said he was tired so he didn't wanna go" Kio said.
"Ok let me go ask Liv" I said. I ran upstairs and saw her sitting on her bed still.
"Hey wanna go get something to eat with me and Kio" I asked. She looked up and smiled. 
"Yes just let me change" she said so I walked out and closed the door.
"So is she coming" Kio asked. 
"Ya she's just gonna change" I said. 
"Jaden answer this and don't lie" Kio said. 

"Ok whats the question" I asked him nervously. 
"Do you like Liv" Kio asked. 
"You don't like her or something" I asked him.
"No I mean as in you want to date her like her" Kio asked. I stayed quiet for a minute just staring at him not knowing what to say. 
"Well that silence answers my question" he said laughing. I could feel my face get red and I smiled awkwardly. 
"Ok fine I guess I do but she is so nervous around us I will never be able to ask her out or even become her friend" I said sadly. 
"Jaden all you have to do is let her trust you because like Bryce said she was bullied and Bryces dad left him when he was 10 so that mean her dad left her to and it probably didn't help when Bryce left to LA and never contacted her" he said. 

"How can I get her to trust me" I asked him. 
"Maybe take her somewhere thats special to you tonight" he said. 
"I know the perfect place" I said when I heard a door upstairs open. I saw Liv walking downstairs in jeans and a sweatshirt. 
"Im ready" she lightly said. I smiled as I walked her walk down, she tried to jump over the last three but tripped. I ran over and gave her my hand to pull her up. She looked at me and I nodded so she took my hand and I pulled her up. She ran in front of me and Kio waiting for us to unlock the car door. It was raining outside so I could see her clothes start to get soaked by the rain and her shivering. Kio unlocked the door and she climbed into the back. I got into the driver seat and Kio got in the seat next to mine. 

Wrong Number- Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now