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*⚠️Just a tiny bit of smut⚠️* 

*Jadens POV*  

I had woken up early and was waiting for Liv to wake up for a while now because all I wanted to do for my birthday was cuddle with her and luckily I dont think the boys had planned anything. I responded to people texting me happy birthday as I hugged Liv. I stared at her wrist worried about why she had done it. She started moving around and I saw her eyes open and she smiled and she put her arms around my neck and continued to lay on top of me. 
"Happy birthday" she said and pecked me on the lips which turned into us making out. I flipped us over so she was on bottom and started kissing and sucking on her neck but before it could go any further she pushed me away and scooted to the other side of the bed. I was a little embarrassed not gonna lie but I just laid down and stared at the ceiling. 
"Im sorry" she whispered. 
"Why are you sorry" I asked. 
"Because you wanted it to go further didn't you" she whispered. 
"Ok maybe I did but I get it your not ready" I said and she smiled before cuddling into me and burying her face into my neck. 
"Although it would have made this the best birthday" I said jokingly and she took her head from my neck and stared at me. 

"What its true" I said. 
"Jaden Hossler shut up this second" she said making both of us laugh. 
"So what do you wanna do for your birthday" she asked.
"Stay here and watch tv all day" I said. 
"Anywhere that's not here" she asked. 
"Nowhere" I said. 
"Ok let me get something from my room real quick" she said and got up. 

*Olivias POV*

The boys had told me I needed to see where Jaden wanted to go but Jaden didn't want to go anywhere so I went to Bryces room. 
"Bryce" I said as I opened the door and saw Addison and Bryce cuddling. 
"Go away" he mumbled so I did the only right thing to do. 
"CANNONBALL" I yelled as I jumped onto them. I heard Addison laughing but Bryce pushed me off the bed. I got up and squeezed in between Bryce and Addison and Addison hugged me.  
"Oh my god Liv can you lea- WHAT THE HELL" Bryce said. 
"What" I asked and quickly sat up. 
"What on your neck" Bryce asked angrily. I was confused and quickly remembered this morning but didn't know Jaden left a hickey. I looked at Addison and she looked at me neck. 
"Bryce don't act like you don't do that to me all the time" she said. 
"Yea but that's different" he said. 
"How so" she asked. 
"Im her older brother" he said. 
"If I had an older brother would you still do it" she asked. 
"Uhhhhh" he said. 
"Exactly" she said and high fived me. 
"This is so unfair why do you always stand up for my sister" he asked.
"Like Cynthia said that one time chicks before dicks" Addison said. 
"So your calling me a dick" he asked. 
"When it comes to your sister and Jaden you are a dick" she said and I tried not to laugh. Bryce laid back down in defeat as me and Addison cuddled. 
"So why did you come in here in the first place" Addison asked. 
"Jaden doesn't wanna go anywhere" I said. 
"Well he needs to leave when everyone get's here"Bryce said. 
"Can I just tell him he has a party because if we go somewhere his just gonna end up wearing sweats and a hoodie and I can't get ready for the party either" I said. 
"I guess" he said so I got up. I ran to Jadens room with a big smile. 
"Why you so happy princess" he asked. 
"Ok so we were gonna have a surprise party for you but then realized it wasn't a good idea so you have a party later today at three and the like four hundred people are coming so the house is gonna be full of drunk horny people later" I said all in one breath. 
"Well it's not gonna be my party" he said. 
"What" I asked confused. 
"Im not going" he said. 
"Jaden you live here plus it's your party" I said. 

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