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*Two weeks later back in LA*

*Olivas Pov*

I brought all my clothes back home and didn't see my mom other then the night I got there. I was putting away all my clothes into my closet and decided to show Bryce the book. 
"BRYCE COME HERE" I yelled and heard him walking over. He poked his head in and I grabbed the photo album. 
"I feel like I know what that is but I don't fully recognize it" he said. 
"Well come look at it" I said. He sat down on the bed and grabbed the album. He opened it to a page of us in a lake making him smile. 
"And I found something in your room I think you may want" I said. He looked at me confused and I handed him our old dogs collar. 
"Is this chubs collar" he asked. I nodded and he had a big smile. 
"I miss chubs" I said. He sighed and tightened his grip around the collar. 

"Me to" he said. I grabbed my last shirt as Bryce sat there looking through the photo album. 
"Look at chubs here he was just a little puppy" he said pointing and a picture of him carrying chubs as I sat in a diaper in the back with a toy in my mouth. I smiled and let out a tear. 
"I miss chubs" I cried and Bryce hugged me. 
"I would do anything to get that dog back" he said. 
"So what happened with mom" he asked. 
"Jaden was there so she said "is that your tenth boyfriend of the month you slut" I said. 
"She's acting like she didn't have at least three guys over a day after dad left" Bryce said. 
"Remember having to put headphones so we couldn't hear it" I laughed. 
"Oh god that sound is engraved into my head" he laughed. 

"Why has Jaden been gone so often" Bryce asked. 
"Studio" I said. 
"Ok" Bryce said as he got up. 
"Why" I asked. 
"He must be working on something big" Bryce said. I nodded and Bryce walked out. I got on my phone and saw lot's of people saying Jads was better and how I didn't deserve Jaden. I decided to go see what the boys where up to today and walked to Blakes room where I heard lot's of voices. 
"Hey Liv" Noah said. 
"Hi" I said. 
"What are you guys talking about" I asked. 
"Random stuff" Josh said. 
"Why does everyone here seem like scared or something" I asked. 
"Nothing" Bryce said. 
"Ok then" i said and walked out. 

I heard the front door opening so I ran down and jumped onto Jaden. 
"Hi princess" Jaden said. 
"Hey Jay" I said happily. 
"Im guessing you missed me" he said laughing. 
"Well ya you were gone when I woke up and its three pm now and your finally back" I said. 
"I missed my girlfriend that I love" he said. 
"Then take tomorrow off" I said. 
"Only because you want me to" he said. Jaden carried me upstairs and threw me onto the bed. 
"Juice" I called but Juice didn't come running in like usual. I walked out of the room to look for him but couldn't find him but found all the other dogs. 
"Have any of you seen my baby juice" I asked and the all shook there heads. I walked out and walked downstairs and noticed Jaden forgot to close the door. 


"Jaden" I yelled and ran outside so see if I could see Juice. 
"JUICE" I yelled. Jaden came running out next to me. 
"Was the door open" he asked. 
"You left it open" I said. 
"Juice is my baby where is he" I asked. 
"We'll find him princess" Jaden said and ran his hand through my hair. 
"Let's go around the block to see if we can find him" Jaden said and we started walking. Once we made it to a different street I saw a Golden Retriever in the middle of the street with lot's of red on his fur. I saw a few people around him putting him in a towel trying to stop the bleeding a little and get him in their car. 
"Juice" I yelled and ran over the people looked at me and worried. 
"We saw him in the street covered in blood so we stopped we can take him to the vet near by get in and we will take you and the guy to" a girl teenage girl said. 
"Thanks you" I said and hopped into the car with Juice in my lap and Jaden next to me. My hands were covered in blood and so were my clothes but I didn't give a fuck. 

"It will be ok baby just hang in there" I said and Juice whimpered. I was crying bad as Jaden rubbed my back. Once we got there we thanked the people and ran inside. A woman quickly grabbed Juice and took him to the back. I sat on a seat and after an hour a woman took us to a small room with seats so we could talk.
"Hi so you dog Juice has lost lot's of blood and we had to give him stitches and we just want to run it by you that we give him surgery for a broken leg" the woman said. 
"Anything" I said. The woman nodded and went back to the back. I sat in the back with Jaden as I cried and he hugged my head. A few minutes later I got a call from bryce. 

Bryce | Liv/Jaden

"Where did you and Jaden go"

"Juice" I sniffled

"Why are you crying give the phon to Jaden" 

"Hey Bryce"

"Hey Jaden what happened where are you guys and what happened to Juice" 

"We are at the Vet because Juice was in the middle of the street covered in blood"

"Whats gonna happen"

"How about I tell you when we get home"

"Ok bye then I guess"

Jaden hung up and gave me my phone back. 

"You alright" he asked. 
"No I don't know what will happen with Juice and it's my fault" I said. 
"It's not your fault" he said and hugged me. Another woman came and talked to us about Juice. 
"So he will have to be here for the week so he can make sure he is healing correctly and he should be able to go home" the woman said. 
"So he will live" I asked. 
"There is a slight chance something could happen but he will most likely make it" she said.
"Thank you" I said and Jaden and I walked outside realizing we didn't have a car. 
"Wanna call Bryce" Jaden said. 
"Let's do that" I said and got my phone out to call Bryce to pick us up. 

*Back at sway*

"What happened" Josh asked once we walked in pulling me into a hug. 
"Juice got into an accident" I said. All the boys pulled Jaden and I into hugs and I walked upstairs with Jaden after. 
"Jay crying makes me tired can we sleep" I said. 
"Wanna clean the blood off yourself first" Jaden asked. I nodded and walked to the bathroom. 
"Wanna save water" Jaden said and smirked. I walked to the bathroom already tired and closed the door without responding leaving Jaden out there. Once I showered I laid down and Jaden pulled me closer to him. I put my head on his chest and he kissed my forehead. 
"Princess I need to get up and shower to" he said but I was basically asleep already. He looked at me and smiled. 
"I love you" he whispered. 
"Love you to" I whispered back and fell asleep. 

*Bryces POV* 

The boys and I were downstairs and I think Jaden and Liv were sleeping but Jaden left his phone downstairs. 
"Buds phone is blowing up" Josh said grabbing the phone. 
"From who" I asked. 
"It's locked so I don't know" he said. 
"Let me put the password" Kio said and grabbed the phone and froze once he saw the messages. 
"Who's it from" I asked. 
"It's from...." (I guess we'll never know)


Get your popcorn ready cause here comes the drama and tea. Also there might be a new chapter today but probably  not until tomorrow so ya here is the cliffhanger. Make your guesses on what the messages were and who it was cause tbh it's gonna be a surprise to me as well on what happens next. Also dont forget to vote ily ❤️🦋(sorry I just love the butterfly emoji)

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