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*Olivias POV*

"S-sam" I asked confused.
"Oh so you know Sam" Griffin asked and I nodded my head. Jaden pulled me close to his side and kept his arm around me. 
"We were gonna go eat later if you wanna come" Quinton said. 
"I'm fine" I said and smiled at them. 
"Alright" Griffin said as they all went upstairs. 
"Liv are you ok because I can tell them to make Sam leave" Jaden said. 
"It's fine let's just go somewhere" I said. 
"Isn't your prom in like a week" Jaden asked. 
"So wanna take me shopping for a dress" I asked. 
"That's what I was offering" he said. 
"Ok let's go except you can't see the dress until prom" I said. 
"But you will look so cute in it" he whined. 
"Please" I whined back. 
"Ok let's go" he said. 
"Wait I need to do my makeup and get dressed" I said but he grabbed my arm. 
"No no, your not doing your makeup" he said

"Jay it helps me feel pretty" I said.
"But you are prettier without it" he said. 
"Fine I'll just go like this" I said and Jaden smiled.
"Let me just take my hair out of the braid" I said as I removed the rubber band holding the braids in place.
"Ok let's go" I said. Once we got to the mall I walked around trying to find a dress store. After walking around and not finding any I saw one more that had really cute dresses on display.
"Jay you know you can't come in because I don't want you to see the dress" I said.
"I'm not gonna leave you here alone I just won't look at the dresses" he said.
"Ok then let's go" I said as I pulled him into the last dress shop I saw.
"Ok now go sit there and go on your phone or something" I said as I pointed to a bench right outside the store. Once he went to sit a girl around my age came up to me. 
"Hi I'm Tilly and I work here do you need anything specific" she asked. 
"I'm looking for a prom dress" I said. 
"A specific color or like theme" she asked. 
"No theme but I'm not sure of a color" I said.

"Ok so you seem like you may fit in these" she said walking over to some dresses.
"Colors are the hard part" she said. 
"Does your boyfriend say what colors look good on you" she asked. 
"He says everything looks good on me he's the one who didn't let me wear makeup" I laughed. 
"I see we have similar boyfriends" she laughed.
"Ya nobody looks good in every color" I said. 
"Very true" she said. 
"Ok I know your looking for a dress I feel like I know you from somewhere" she said. 
"I'm Olivia Hall sister of Bryce Hall and I have a few million followers and live with sway and out there is Jaden Hossler" I said. 
"Oh my god how did I not recognize you" she said. 
"I don't know" I laughed. 
"You think I can have a picture with you" she asked. 
"Ya let me get Jaden he is good at taking pictures" I said. 

"Ok" she said. Once she had her picture Jaden went back out and she helped me pick out a dress. (I would show you but then there would be a lot of pictures of dresses because I can't choose so just imagine whatever you want).I walked out with the dress in a black garment bag. "Ok let's put this in the car and then come back for shoes" I said.
"How do you stay at the mall for like three hours and not get tired" Jaden asked. 

"It's like a guy and video games" I said. 
"But video games are fun and shopping is just walking around" he said. 
"See this is why more guys go to the gym then girls a guy just sits around other then the gym but a girl actually goes walking around at the mall and stuff" I said. 
"That makes no sense" he said. 
"Yes it does" I said. 
"Ok whatever let's just put this in the car" he said. Once we went back inside I walked to the Vans store.
"Don't you need heels or something" he said. 
"I need Vans now come on" I said pulling him inside. (Random Vans because heels are painful and we don't need broken ankles). We walked out and I saw a cinnabon. 
"Jay let's get some" I said and he just looked at me weird. 
"Some what" he asked so I pointed to the Cinnabon. 
"Ok let's go" he laughed. As we were ordering I could feel the guy at the register starting at my boobs. 

"Im gonna get us a table" I said so I could leave. I walked backwards so he wouldn't stare at my ass and I bumped into someone. I quickly turned around and saw Tilly.  
"Im so sorry it's just-"I said before she cute me off. 
"The cinnabon guy was looking at your boobs and you don't want him looking at your ass" she asked. 
"Im guessing he does it to everyone" I asked. 
"Ya your lucky your here with Jaden or else he would also make innapropriate comments on your body" she said. 
"Seriously" I asked. 
"Ya and the wort part is that he is my step brother" she said. 
"Your the nicer one" I said. 
"I know" she laughed and Jaden came over with the Cinnamon rolls.
"Hey wanna sit with us" I asked. 
"Sure I was just gonna get some pizza from there" she said pointing at the pizza place in the food court. Once she walked away Jaden looked at me. 

"I could see the guy staring at you and I'm not happy about it" he said. 
"Jay I can't control what other people do and you can't either" I said.
"So punching him wouldn't work" he asked sounding mad. 
"Jaden no need to punch anyone" I said. Once we were home Sam was on the couch but we just ignored him. I was with Jaden in his room and I needed to get a pair of shorts since it was kinda hot. I was walking out of my room and saw Sam.
"Miss me" he asked and smirked. 
"Remember the good days we used to have" he smirked. 
"You raping me isn't good" I said. 
"Oh and if you tell anyone I'm talking to you your gonna regret it" he smiled and walked to the bathroom. I went into Jadens room and laid next to him since he was already sleeping. 
"Jay" I said. 
"Hm" he groaned as he woke up. 
"Can we cuddle" I asked. 
"But it's hot today" he said. 
"Please Jay today wasn't the best" I said. 
"Ok come on" he said as he pulled me closer and I put my head on his chest. 

"Goodnight I love you" he said.
"I love you to" I said as I pecked him on the lips.


Beer Bottle: "You break me, you get one year of bad luck!"
Mirror: "You kiddin' me? You break me, then y'all get seven years of bad luck!"
Condom: "Hahaha... (Condom walks off laughing)"

Did yall know there is something called a Zonkey like I didn't know until yesterday. 

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