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*Olivias POV*

"No" he said. 
"True" the guy said and I looked at Jaden confused. I shouldn't have said that.

*Jadens POV*

I suddenly got really mad after she asked me that. Did she not trust me. Why did she even think that. 
"I saw a picture of you a Nessa kissing" she said. 
"WHAT THE FUCK" I yelled and she showed me the video which didn't even look look like me.
"THAT DOESNT EVEN LOOK LIKE ME" I yelled as I took the lie detector from my fingers. 
"But-" she said and I cut her off.
"NO FUCK IT I ALREADY PROVED TO YOU I DIDNT DO THAT" I yelled and stormed upstairs slamming and locking my door. 

*Olivias POV*

I just sat there and Josh walked in confused. 
"What was that about" he asked. 
"Um someone sent me a video of Nessa and someone I thought was Jaden making out" I said and showed him the video. 
"Liv thats not Jaden it's Cooper" Josh said.
"Oh" I said even though I had no idea who Cooper was.  
"Just leave Jaden alone for a little" Josh said.
"Are you ok" I asked.
"Im fine" he said but I knew he wasn't because he had mentioned proposing to Nessa soon and was so in love with her. 
"I know your not" I said so I hugged him the best I could because my burns still hurt bad. 
"Im sorry" I said.
"Its fine at least I can figure out if they cheated or what happened" he said and I lightly nodded. 

"Ok well I'm gonna go to my room" I said and got up and limped to infront of Jadens room because it was next to mine so I had to pass it on the way to my room. Me being nosy decided to put my ear to the door when I heard him talking on the phone. 

"Why would she think i'm cheating" he said. 
"Ok so that doesn't give her the right to act normal all fucking day then all of a sudden accuse me of cheating" he said and sounded mad but sad at the same time. 
"No im not gonna break up with her" he said. 
"I may have yelled at her a little or a lot" he said. 
"You can't blame me the question was so sudden and unexpected I didn't know what to do" he said defensively. 

"Listening to your boyfriend after you have a fight" Bryce asked scaring me to run into the door. Shit. I went as fast as I could to my room and Bryce followed. 
"So what happened" he asked. 
"While we were doing the lie detector I asked Jaden if he cheated" I said. 
"Did he" Bryce asked. 
"Nope it was Cooper" I said.
"Who was the girl" Bryce asked.
"Nessa" I said.
"Does Josh know" he asked and I nodded. 
"I should go see if he's fine" Bryce said and walked out and I just laid down. I put my airpods in and played the playlist I had for occasions like this and yes I had a playlist for like everything. 


Sorry for the short chapters guys

Whenever I see a knife my mind just thinks "I wonder if I could stab someone with that" but seriously how does it feel to stab someone. I would tell my family this to creep them out. oh hell no the thought of murdering them came to mind like I am being serious.

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