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*Jadens POV*

I woke up and was about to kiss Liv on the nose but she wasn't there. I got up and saw her promise ring on my bedside table with a note. I grabbed it and it said I'm sorry for leaving but it's obvious that i'm not welcome here anymore. I'm going back to Maryland and I won't go back to LA as far as I know. I'll miss you Jay. Love Liv. She left she fucking left me. I threw her ring across the room and stormed downstairs. I was more mad then I had ever gotten before

"You ok" Josh asked. 
"WHERES LIV" I yelled. 
"Dropping off some suitcases to Nessa" Bryce said.
"Nessa's not going anywhere" Josh said. 
"Jaden calm down" Blake said. 
"Why would she leave" Kio asked and I rolled my eyes. 
"Because you were an asshole to her" I said lowering my voice.
"How do you know she left" Noah asked and I handed him the note. 

"Thanks for running off the girl I love" I said and ran upstairs. I grabbed my phone to text Liv. 

I texted her "the moment I thought we were good you pull this shit on me because of the boys I dont care what the boys nor your brother thinks I want you and only you but if you wanna keep pushing me away go ahead cause I dont care anymore stay in Maryland if you want cause Im tired of putting my love into someone that wont give it back" I sent he message and blocked her on everything.

*Olivias POV*

I had just gotten home and was looking at my phone and noticed a text from Jaden. I read it and started crying. I knew it would hurt Jaden when I left but of course I had to go and do it anyway. I tried messaging him but he had blocked me. I hurt Jaden again he can find someone better then me. I started crying and got a face time from Bryce. 

"Back in Maryland" he asked. 
"I don't wanna talk about it" I said. 
"That's your problem you always runaway from your problems and I dont hate you at all it's just sometimes the shit you do makes me upset but I will never hate you though its not possible" he said and hung up. I got up and decided why not go to my favorite places to go when I was little maybe I will feel better. I got dressed and got an Uber to an ice cream shop Bryce and I went everyday during summer vacation. I got (you choose) and left. Mads was face timing me. 

"Liv what happened between you and Jaden" she asked. 
"How did you find out so quick" I asked. 
"Jaden keeps sending me messages he wants to hook up but don't worry I keep saying no" she said.
"I'm the one who hurt him so if you want I won't judge him" I said. 
"UM NO" she said. 
"Ok thanks I actually would have felt sad" I said.
"Where are you i've never seen that place" she said. 
"Yea so i'm in Maryland" I said. 
"Visiting home" she asked. 
"Moving back here" I said.
"What you can't leave me" she said.
"To late" I said. I heard a girl calling Mads in the background. 
"Ugh I have to go bye" she said.
"Bye" I said and hung up. 


Heres a short chapter for all you inpatient peepull out 

Wrong Number- Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now