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*Jadens POV*

I had just woken up and the first thing I thought of was Liv. Liv doesn't want me in her life and nobody does. I fuck up everything and that will never change. Bryce had just left to pick up Liv and everyone else was home. I texted the sway group chat that Liv was in and said im sorry for everything you would be better off without me. I went to my bathroom and grabbed a bottle of Adderall and a blade. I took the whole bottle of Adderall and started cutting. I started feeling dizzy and fell hitting my head on the edge of the sink before everything went black. 

*Joshes POV*

I was laying in bed when I got a message from Jaden. I quickly ran to his room and opened the door and but I couldn't stop him he was already on the floor. I called 911 and waited as I had no idea what to do. 

*Olivias POV*

"I am so happy to be out of the depressing hospital" I said to Bryce making him laugh. 
"And I am VERY sorry again for almost killing myself" I said. 
"Liv it's alright I should have paid more attention to you" he said. 
"But it's not your fault remember that" I said and he nodded. I got a message from the sway group chat and looked to see a message from Jaden. 
"Bryce drive faster" I said and texted Jaden privately telling him not to do anything. Once we got to sway I saw police and an ambulance outside  the house. I ran out the car an saw them taking Jaden on a stretcher. 

"JADEN NO" I yelled and tried to run over but Bryce grabbed my arm keeping me from going. 
"BRYCE LET ME GO" I yelled. 
"No Liv you need to stay here" he said. 
"BRYCE PLEASE" I yelled but Bryce just pulled me into a hug. 
"Liv i'll take you to the hospital" he said and I nodded as I cried into his chest. I could tell Bryce was also upset but he drove me to the hospital and I rushed in. Once we get there we had to wait a few hours before a doctor comes to us. 
"So Jaden almost cracked his head open and he had a lot of blood loss and we had to pump his stomach and he is in a coma but we think he should be waking up in at most a week" the doctor said. 

"Come on" Bryce said to me but I stayed.
"Im sorry I can't do it I can't see him like that" I said when Mads came up to me. 
"Olivia right" she asked and all the boys stayed incase Mads and I ended up fighting. 
"Yea and your Mads the girl that Jaden cheated on me with" I said. 
"It's not his fault" she said and looked down. 
"What do you mean" I asked. 
"I never meant for this to happen but I was jealous that Jaden seemed so much more happy with you then he ever did with me so I threatened to expose him if he didn't i'm so sorry" she said.

"MADS GET OUT" I yelled. 
"But" she said before I cut her off. 
"But nothing Jaden is in there fighting for his life because of you" I yelled. Once she left I fell to the floor crying and Bryce came up to me and hugged me. 
"I shouldn't have tried to kill myself or told him I wanted him out of my life or that I stopped loving him because I still love him and I might never get to tell him that I love him still" I cried. 
"Liv it's not your fault and Jaden will wake up just give it a little time ok" Bryce said and I nodded. (Fuck you Mads hehe)

"Ok now let's go see Jaden" he said and I decided I should go. I got up and followed all the boys. Once we got to his room I saw he had an oxygen mask and was all bandaged up. I went over to him and sat on a chair. I grabbed his hand and all the boys also sat around Jaden. After being there for an hour everyone was getting ready to leave. 
"Bryce can I stay here tonight" I asked. 
"Ok and if you want to go home just call me" he said. Once everyone left I sat on the chair and a doctor came to check on him. 
"If he moves at all like his fingers or arm or anything take the oxygen mask of and call a doctor in he said before leaving again. I held Jaden hand and was starting to get tired but what if he wakes up as I sleep. I decided to just go to sleep and see what happens tomorrow.  
"I'm sorry Jaden please keep fighting for the boys and yourself and your fans and your family...and even though it's my fault please keep fighting for me I need you" I whispered and went to the couch to sleep. 

Thanks to  Queenbitchvibezonly for the chapter idea

I would post again tonight but I have no wifi at my new house until Wednesday but luckily I am at my dads house during the day which means I can post

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