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*Olivias POV*

I woke up and felt someones arm's around me making me jump.
"Are you ok Liv did I hurt you" Jaden asked worried. 
"No your arm scared me" I said laughing. 
"You scared me I thought I hurt you" he said putting his arm back but I sat up.
"Where are you going" he asked. 
"Bathroom and then gonna go get you food" I said. 
"Thanks Liv" he said. I went to the bathroom and then the Mcdonalds across the street getting Jaden the biggest size of everything because he ate a lot even when he wasn't in a coma for a week. I walked back in and saw Jaden immediately smiling and holding his arms out like he wanted the Mcdonalds. I gave Jaden the food and he put it next to him holding his arms out still. 

"What else do you want" I asked. 
"Can you sit next to me" Jaden asked. 
"Fine" I said and got onto the bed. 
"Jaden can I see your wrist" I asked. He was a little hesitant but showed me and put mine next to his. 
"Other couples have matching tattoos but we have matching scars" Jaden said. 
"Jay about the couple thing" I said. 
"You don't wanna date anymore" he asked and seemed sad like he was trying to hold in tears. 
"Jay i'm sorry I just think it's to early after everything that's happened all week" I said and he nodded still holding in tears. 
"I should go" I said as I got up. 

"Your gonna leave me alone in the hospital" he asked. 
"Ya i'll be back tomorrow morning" I said. 

*One week later*

Jaden had been home for a few days now and we spent a lot of time together but he went to the studio today. We weren't dating but we kind of were I guess we were. It's just complicated. We made out a few times but that's all and Jaden kept telling me he loved me so I decided to as well and that's kind of where we were. I went to Kio's room since Jaden isn't here and laid down next to Kio since he was one of my best friends at sway. 

"Cuddles" I asked. 
"Don't you have a boyfriend who could easily beat my ass" he asked laughing.
"He won't beat you up" I said. 
"Fine but remember this is your idea" he said before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me as close as he could. We were watching vampire diaries again. I looked up and saw Jaden staring and he looked mad before he walked away. Shit I was cuddling with Kio and Jaden must have thought Kio and I had feeling for each other or something. I quickly got up and started running after Jaden who was really fast when walking because he had longer legs then mine. 

"Jaden it's not what it looks like I promise" I yelled after him making a few boys poke their head from the top of the stairs. 
"You don't have to lie Liv if your happy with him then go be with him after all I cheated and i'm just a cheater right" he yelled at me making me flinch. I grabbed his arm as he tried to walk out the door. 
"Jaden Mads told me everything" I said and tears where already falling from my eyes. 
"What do you mean she told you everything" he asked and stopped. 
"I know she made you cheat and it was fake" I cried. 

"What did Mads threaten you about" I asked and Jaden looked down not saying anything. 
"Jay what did she threaten you about please tell me" I said. 
"Promise it won't change anything" he asked. 
"I pinky promise" I said and held out my pinky. 
"Mads said she would tell everyone in sway and all my fans about my past" he said and I hugged him. 
"What's so bad about your past" I asked him. 

"I had drinking problems and I was a drug addict, I tried killing myself before and I was in and out of mental hospitals all the time" he said.
"Why were you scared of us knowing" I asked. 
"I thought everyone might look at me different" he said. 
"Jay it's in your past and now your doing better other then...well you know" I said and pecked him on the lips.   
"And Jay please don't get jealous when I cuddle with Kio because you weren't even here" I said. 
"Yea sorry about that I just want you all to myself" he said laughing.

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