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*Next Day*

*Olivias POV*

I was back at sway because I had spent night at Natalia sense my suitcases were with her. I was laying in my room when I heard the front door open downstairs and the boys sounded happy. Jaden must be here. After a bit I heard Jadens room door close and I could tell everyone else was downstairs. Obviously I wasn't gonna let him ignore me so I got up and walked into his room. 
"What" he asked annoyed.
"So one more chance" I said smiling.
"I'm still not sure if I should give you another chance" he said.
"But you said you would" I said. 
"Just get out" he said raising his voice a little.
"No" I said. 
"I said get out" he said almost yelling as he walked over to me.
"I said no" I said as I walked back until I hit a wall. He stopped right in front of me and sighed. 
"Your not gonna give up are you" he asked and I nodded. 

"Please one more chance Jaden" I said.
"Liv please just get out" he said but I hugged him and started crying into his chest. 
"No I miss being with you Jay I know I fucked up but please Jay" I said into his chest.

*Jadens POV*

Liv was crying into my chest and called me Jay could she get any cuter. I give up. I hugged her and rubbed her back. 
"Ok I promise one more chance" I said. 
"But your probably just saying that so I leave you alone" she cried. 
"No i'm not now please go" I said.
"See you trying to get me to leave" she said. 
"Well what are you gonna do in here" I asked. 
"Hug you" she said. And she just got cuter. 
"I don't wanna stand here" I said. 
"Cuddle" she asked shyly taking her head from my chest. 
"No Liv" I said. 
"Ok bye I guess" she said and walked out looking down. I sighed and sat on my bed. I opened my drawer to see the promise ring in there and a scrapbook I had made before she left and was planning on giving to her. I grabbed both of them and smiled.

She already realized she fucked up she just wanted to try again one more time. I stood up and sighed as I walked to Livs room. If I forgave her we would need to start somewhere. I walked in and saw her crying on her bed hugging the teddy bear I gave her on Valentines and Juice was next to her as well. 
"Liv" I said. She turned to face me and started crying more. 
"Please don't take Juice he is my baby and the only one who loves me back" she sobbed and I felt really bad.
"Hey, hey it's alright i'm not taking Juice" I said and sat next to where she was laying.
"Then why are you here" she asked. 
"I realized your really sorry and you just want another chance" I said and she nodded her head.
"Need a hug" I asked and she threw her arms around me and I hugged her back. 
"I'm sorry Jay I should have told you I wanted to leave and talked to you about it but I just run away from my problems because that's who I am" she cried into my chest. 

"I get it Liv" I said.
"Do you forgive me" she asked.
"A little" I said and she smiled. 
"Thank you" she said quietly. 
"Of course" I said and smiled at Liv who had her head on my lap and was sleeping. I laid down and put her head on my chest as I cuddled with her. I missed this so much. I kissed the top of her head and fell asleep. 


Short chapter

Wrong Number- Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now