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*Olivias POV*

I woke up the next morning I woke up and checked the time, it was 9 in the morning so I decided I would get breakfast. I changed into jeans and a cropped top even though it was kinda cold. I walked downstairs and saw Jaden sitting on the island counter. I ran over and tripped even though nothing was there somehow. 
"Are you ok" Jaden asked jumping off the counter.
"Ya just kinda clumsy" I said. 
"What are you doing up this early" he asked. 
"I dont know I just woke up and i'm hungry" I said. 
"Where is everyone anyway" I asked.
"The boys went to paintball so they might not be back till tomorrow because it's a long drive and the girls went with hype house to Bahamas but you probably knew about the girls" he said. 
"Ya the girls told me yesterday" I said.

"Anyway what do you want" he asked. 
"I was thinking going to get pancakes" I said. 
"I can make pancakes" he suggested.
"Really" I said excitedly. 
"Ya" he said opening the cupboard grabbing pancake mix. I sat on one of the stools and watched as he added milk and egg to the pancake mix. 
"I love baking but couldn't cook if my life depended on it" I said looking at him. 
"I like cooking but hate baking" Jaden said smiling at me. I heard one of the dogs bark and Jaden look behind at the dogs. 
"God these dogs" he mumbled. 
"Give me a second" he said to me. He walked over to the dogs and I saw that they were growling at each other. Jaden was trying to pull them apart when he yelled. 

"FUCK" he yelled. I ran over to him and saw he was bitten by one of the dogs. 
"Jaden are you ok" I asked taking his that was bitten looking at the mark which was now bleeding. The dogs had stopped fighting and where staring at him. 
"DUMBASS DOGS" he yelled and I heard one of the dogs whimper. 
"Jaden calm down" I told him and got in front of him. I kneeled down to the dogs and started baby talking to them and petting them for a minute. I got back up and Jaden was still holding his hand which I was guessing hurt a lot.  
"Come on let's clean your hand" I said grabbing his other hand and pulling him upstairs to the bathroom. 

"Ok let me grab something" I said walking to Bryces room grabbing the bottle of rubbing alcohol and band aids he kept in his cabinet. 
"Ok got it but this will hurt" I said as he looked at me keeping his hand close to him. 
"Give me your hand" I said but he didn't move. I grabbed his arm and tried to pull his arm towards me but I couldn't.   
"Jaden please just give me your hand" I said to him and he moved his arm closer to me. I put his hand over the sink and poured some alcohol over it. I could see he had his eyes tightly closed. 
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" he whined. I grabbed a clean towel and wiped away the alcohol and put a band aid over the bite. 

"Jaden it wasn't even that bad" I said and he opened his eyes and looked at his hand. 
"Thanks" he said. 
"Wait I had pancakes on the stove" he said running downstairs. I followed and when we got there Jaden was staring at the burnt pancake. 
"Today is already a bad day for me" he said chuckling. 
"It really is so maybe dont do anything dangerous" I said giggling. He threw the burnt pancakes in the trash and put more on the stove to cook. 
"Ok now this shouldn't burn" he said and sat down next to me. 
"Im gonna post some pictures from last night" I said grabbing my phone from the counter



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Wrong Number- Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now