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(I love this song and I just felt like adding that picture)

*Jadens POV*

I woke up to the sound of someone walking around my room and Liv wasn't next to me anymore. I sat up and saw Liv in my hoodie and sweats holding a McDonalds bag. She was so fucking cute in my clothes.
"Why are you wearing my clothes" I asked trying to not make it obvious that I found it cute. 
"Because I wanted to" she said. 
"Oh here" she said handing me the McDonalds bag. 
"I tried making breakfast but I kind of burned the pancakes every time" she said. I chuckled and took the bag. 
"I got you nuggies and fries" she said. I opened the bag to see fries and nuggets. 
"Want some" I asked her. 
"I'm not hungry" she said. 
 "You sure" I asked. 
"Mhm" I said. Once I finished eating Liv was just laying down staring at the ceiling. 

"You ok" I asked and I dont think she heard. 
"Liv" I said but she didnt notice again. I lightly tapped her and she jumped. 
"Sorry did I scare you" he asked. 
"I'm fine" she said and started randomly crying. I hugged her and she buried her face into my neck. 
"Why are you crying" I asked. 
"I dont know I have just been crying a lot ever since I got back to LA" she sobbed. 
"Is there anything I can do" I asked. 
"No I know that you still don't forgive me and you still hate me" she cried into my neck. 
"Liv I don't hate you" I said. 
"It's ok I know you do" she cried. 
"Liv please don't say that, ok I may have been mad at you but I would never hate you" I said trying to calm her down but it was true I could never hate her. 

"I know you will never forgive me but can we at least be friends" she said. 
"Liv I forgive you ok please just stop I feel bad and I just want you to know that I don't hate you" I said. 
"Promise" she asked. 
"Pinky promise" I said and she smiled giving me her pinky. 
"And I promise that I will NEVER EVER leave you again" she said and wrapped her finger around mine. 
"But you shouldn't trust my promises" she said. 
"Has anyone ever kept a promise with you besides me" I asked. 
"Bryce has but he also promised he would never leave me" she said. 
"Well if he hadn't left you wouldn't have met me" I chuckled. 
"Do you regret meeting me" she asked. 
"No I don't so stop thinking so little of yourself" I said. She smiled and cuddled into me.
"I'm sorry" she said.

"Stop saying sorry"  I said. 
"Ok" she said. Juice jumped the bed and started licking Liv making her laugh. 
"I love you to Juice" she said and she pet his stomach and kissed his head.
"Im sorry for everything I told you yesterday" I said. 
"I was just mad and I didnt mean it" I said

*Olivias POV*

"It's ok Jay I fucked up I deserved it" I said. 
"No you didn't " he said. 
"Ok well i'm getting up" I said and went to my room. 
"Are you wearing Jadens clothes" Bryce asked as I walked to my room. 
"Ya" I said and he gave me a weird look. 
"Well that was quick" he mumbled to himself but I still heard it. 
"Bryce why can't you just be happy that I am getting my shit together why do you have to be so fucking judge mental why can't you be like you used before you came to LA" I yelled and walked into his room. 
"Because Liv your just gonna get hurt again and so will Jaden it will never work so why can't you just stop trying" he yelled back. I walked to him and slapped him and he punched me making me fall and everything went black. 


Although I might not respond to every comment reading yalls comments is like the best part of my day ily all very much

Not my 4yr old cousin throwing markers at me as hard as he can on the top of my head as I write this. My hair looked so nice and he just had to ruin it

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