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*Olivias POV*

It had been a week since the last party but we were having another one today for Valentines day. I was hoping Jaden would ask me to be his Valentine but he hadn't asked me yet. I was laying in my room alone waiting for someone else to wake up. I grabbed my phone and liked edits of me. 
After ten minutes someone knocked on my door and I looked to see Jaden poking his head in my room. 
"Good morning" he said and smiled still not walking in. 
"Good morning" I replied smiling. 
"I have a question for you" he said and his smile getting bigger. 
"Whats that" I asked. 
"Will you be my Valentine" he asked as he walked in holding roses and big bag.
"I thought you would never ask" I said and he sat next to me and hugged me. 
"Ok one more question because I really can't wait any longer" he said. 
"Whats that" I asked. 
"Will you be my girlfriend" he asked nervously. I smiled on kissed his cheek. 
"I would love to" I said and we both smiled.
"I know that probably not how you imagined me to ask but I really didn't want to wait even though I should have made it special and-" he said before I cut him off. 
"Jay this is better then I could have imagined and it was you asking so it was special" I said and he smiled again. He grabbed the roses and bag from behind him and put them in front of me. 
"Hope you like it" he said. I smiled and opened it to see a stuffed bear, chocolate, cookies, and face masks. 
"This is so cute" I said and smiled. 
"But I have one more thing" he said said as he got up and walked to the door. 
"Close your eyes" he said so I closed my eyes and heard him walk closer to me. 
"Ok open them" he said and I saw a big stuffed bear. 
"This bear is huge" I said. 
"It's seven feet tall" he said. 
"Thats like two feet taller then me" I said and giggled. Jaden picked me up and sat me on the bed. 
"Do you like the gifts" he asked. 
"They are so cute" I said and smiled. 
"So were like dating now" I asked.
"Ya" he said. 
"There is literally no difference" I said and giggled again. 
"I know how to make it different" he said before smashing his lips onto mine. I kissed back and once we pulled away we both smiled.
"So does Bryce know you were asking me" I asked Jaden. 
"Everyone does they are all waiting in his room for us to go in and tell them" Jaden said. 
"Well let's go tell them" I said and grabbed his hand and ran to Bryces room. I opened the door to see everyone looking at the door. 
"So what did you say" Nessa asked. 
"Well there is only one answer" I said. 
"Please tell me the only answer is yes" Avani said. 
"Yup" I said and pecked Jaden on the lips. 
"When was your first kiss" Addison asked. 
"This morning" I said happily. 
"You better not be doing more then kissing" Bryce said. 
"Dont worry Bryce we won't" I said. 
"Well bye" I said as I walked out still holding Jadens hand. We walked to my room and Jaden picked me up before throwing me on the bed. 
"Wanna watch tv" I asked. 
"Sure" he said and laid down next to me. Juice came on jumped onto the bed so I laid my head on Juice and hugged him. 
"My baby" I said as I pet Juice. Jaden looked over to me and smiled.
"Im happy you said yes" he said. 
"Me to" I said and looked at him. 
"Now your mine" he said and pulled me closer to him. 
"Since we are dating can I call you Bubs and babe and baby and-" I said before Jaden cut me off. 
"Liv you can call me anything you want" he said and I smiled. I grabbed the remote and turned on Lady and the Tramp. 
"I forgot you love Disney" Jaden said.
"What they are so cute" I said. 
"Your cute" he said. 
"Stoping making me cringe Hossler" I said and we both laughed. 
"Hossler" he asked. 
"Ya" I said. I wiggled away from Jaden and he stared at me as I ran outside the room. I ran downstairs to sour patch kids and Lays chips. I was walking out of the kitchen when I ran into the girls. 
"We were looking for you" Cynthia said. 
"Well you found me" I said. 
"Wanna go to the mall with us because we are going to find a dress for tonight" Addison said. 
"Sure let me just get dressed" I said and ran upstairs. I ran into my room and saw Jaden laying down still. 
"Jay im going to the mall with the girls" I said and grabbed an outfit and changed in the bathroom. Once I got out I gave Jaden a hug and pecked his lips before running downstairs. 
"Ready" I asked the girls and we all went to the car. 

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