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*One month later*

*Olivias POV*

I was looking on instagram and saw Jaden had gotten his hair died red. I hadn't seen him since he left a month ago. I also never left my room and hadn't seen any of the boys since well since Jaden left. I got up to go get water. I opened the fridge and got a bottle of water. I turned around and saw Bryce. 
"Are you seriously still in this depressive state" he asked. 
"Well Jaden left and I don't know why so I have a reason" I said. 
"You are so fucking clueless" he snapped. 
"What do you mean" I asked.
"You wanna know why Jaden is acting like this...it's because you being friends with Mads and Kio have you noticed the things you are doing is hurting Jaden have you ever take the time to notice the shit that you is doing is making Jaden act this way and you getting mad at him for hanging out with Natalia when she was there for him while you where always ditching him for Kio and Mads like what the hell how are you this clueless when the signs where there and Kio kissing you was the last straw I know you didn't kiss back but damn you're so fucking oblivious" he yelled and walked away. 

I sat down shocked as I took in everything. I got up and went to my room. I sat on my bed and started crying. I never meant to hurt Jaden I just liked hanging out with Kio although now I hate Kio and have nobody. I called Natalia and I have no clue how I got her number but I had it. 

Natalia | Liv

"Hi Nat" I said.
"Olivia" she asked confused. 
"Um ya but everyone calls me Liv" I said. 
"Why are you calling me" she asked. 
"I want to make things right with Jaden" I said. 
"Really I will do anything to help" she said excited. 
"So I was thinking maybe find a way to get Jaden to meet up but pretend it's gonna be you and him because he won't wanna see me" I said. 
"He won't wanna admit he wants to see you but he misses you" she said. 
"He probably hates me" I said.
"Well aside from his drinking and smoking problem and being is his room 24/7 he misses you" she said. 
"How would you know if he misses me if he's always in his room" I asked. 
"Jaden and I have known each other since we were babies I know him to well" she said. 
"He never mentioned you before he started hanging out with you" I said. 
"Well we tried dating and that didn't go well so he probably didn't wanna mention and ex" she said. 
"I guess" I said. 
"Anyways I will try to get him to go to the beach and if not you can come here" she said. 
"Ok thanks call me when you know whats gonna happen" she said. 
"Ok bye" she said before hanging up.

I sighed and laid down hoping Natalia would be able to fix everything. 

*Jadens POV*

Nat opened walked into my room that wasn't really my room but it had been for the last month. 
"Haven't you ever heard of knocking" I asked. 
"Not like there's anything I haven't seen" she said grabbing the white claw from my hand. 
"Hey give it back" I said. 
"No I wanna go to the beach let's go Jaden" she said. 
"I'm fine here" I said. 
"No your not" she said. 
"How" I asked. 
"Your high and drunk" she said. 
"Yea and I will be high and drunk here not the beach" I said. 
"Come on Jaden you haven't left the house in a month" she said. 

"Fine I can go somewhere else" I said and grabbed my bag and clothes.
"That's not what I meant" she said. 
"Well I can book a flight and be home by tomorrow so i'm leaving" I said. 
"All this because the beach" she asked. 
"No I just don't wanna be in LA anymore" I said as I threw my clothes into my bag. 
"Come on Jaden don't be like this" she said grabbing onto my arm. 
"Well the girl I loved kissed someone else oh and was pregnant with my friends kid" he said. 
"Then try to talk to her" she said. 
"I'm not talking to that slutty bitch" I said and Nat slapped me as hard as she could. 
"What the hell was that for" I asked as I held my cheek. 
"NEVER CALL ANYBODY A SLUTTY BITCH" she yelled and left. 

*Olivias POV*

I was sitting in bed falling asleep when my phone started ringing and it was Natalia. 

Natalia | Liv

"Hey" she said. 
"Hi so what's gonna happen" I asked. 
"Your gonna come here but Jaden is really not in a good mood" she said. 
"Oh maybe tomorrow" I said. 
"He's going back home to his family and not coming back tomorrow" she said. 
"Why" I asked.
"You were pregnant with his friends kid and you kissed his friend" she said.
"That was Jadens kid and his friend kissed me I didn't kiss back" I said. 
"Well that should make things easier" she said. 
"Ok send me your address and I will be there soon" I said and hung up. 

Once I got to Natalias house she let me in and took me to the kitchen. 
"Ok before you go in their Jaden is really not in a good mood like imagine a teen girl on her period during puberty after finding out her boyfriend cheated and now wants to stab him" she said. 
"Well I definitely feel better now" I laughed. 
"Ok come on" she whispered and led me to Jadens room. 
"He's all yours" she said and left. I opened the door and saw Jaden smoking a blunt. I hated the smell but whatever. 
"Hey" I said and he looked at me with his bloodshot eyes. 
"What the fuck are you doing here" he asked and looked at the wall infront of him. 
"I want to apologize" I said. 
"For ditching me, for sleeping with my friend, for kissing my friend, for becoming friends with my ex, or getting pregnant with my friends kid" he asked. 

"I can explain all those things" I said. 
"You mean make excuses for all those things" he said. 
"Jaden first of all if you felt like I was ditching you why didn't you tell me because then I could have stayed with you" I said. 
"Was it not obvious" he yelled. 
"Well i'm not the best at knowing how people feel if they don't tell me" I said. 
"Well now you know but I guess you have feeling for Kio now" he said. 
"Kio kissed me and I didn't kiss back but I couldn't move away from the kiss cause he held my head there" I said. 
"Well you obviously did something with Kio considering you were pregnant" he said. 
"Jaden it was your kid" I said and he looked back at me blankly. 
"W-what" he said. 
"It was your kid and I tried to tell you but you wouldn't let me" I said and started crying. 

"It was my kid" he asked and I nodded. 
"And you and Kio were just friends and he kissed you but you didn't kiss back" he asked. 
"Jaden I love you I would never purposely hurt you" I said. He patted the bed next to him and I sat next to him. 
"Jaden i'm sorry I never meant for this to happen" I sobbed and put my arms around his neck and my head in his neck. Jaden hugged me tightly and also cried. 
"So I was almost a dad" he asked. 
"Mhm" I said. 
"And you had a miscarriage" he asked. 
"I'm sorry that I had miscarriage" I said. 
"It's not your fault" he said. 

"Please don't go home Jaden come back to sway your other home" I said and he sighed. 
"Please Jaden don't leave me again I hate being alone everyone at sway hates me I have nobody" I cried. 
"Hey I won't leave you" he said and wiped my tears. 
"Thank you" I said and fell asleep hugging Jaden for the first time in a long time. 

*Jadens POV*

Liv had just fallen asleep and I had no idea what I should do or what was gonna happen between us. I picked Liv up and set her on the bed. I was gonna walk away but she grabbed my arm. 
"Stay please I miss you" she mumbled. I walked to the other side of the bed and laid down and she moved her body closer to me trying to stay warm. I didn't cuddle with her because I didn't know if she wanted to so I turned away and fell asleep.


Here is the chapter it's actually happy so nobody cries 

I wanna write another chapter but I gotta go to my orthodontist appointment and I am gonna get black instead anywhore bye

Wrong Number- Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now