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*Jadens POV*

I had woken up earlier than Liv so I was just watching her sleep like I had been doing for the last hour. 
"Jaden come on you haven't worked out in a while let's go" Blake said loudly as he barged through the door. Liv started moving a little in my arms so I knew she had woken up.
"Seriously" I whisper yelled at Blake and he quickly left knowing I didn't like it when people woke up Liv. 
"Goodmorning princess" I whispered and she groaned.
"Since Blake wants me to work out I'm gonna go unless you want me to stay" I said. 
"Fine but we are cuddling when you get back" she mumbled into my neck. 
"Ok let me get ready" I said as I went to my closet and grabbing shorts and a shirt. Once I changed and walked out of my closet Liv was sitting up but her eyes were close and she looked like she was sleeping. 

"You awake princess" I laughed and she slowly nodded.
"Want me to get you coffee before I go" I asked. 
"No I'm fine you can go get Gainz" she said with her eyes still closed making me laugh again. 
"Do you need anything" I asked. 
"Jae just go I will be fine" she said. 
"Ok if you need anything just text me" I said as I kissed her forehead and gave her one last hug before running downstairs. 
"Who's going" I asked Bryce who was sitting on the couch.
"Kio, Josh, and Anthony are staying" he said. 
"And Nick is gonna be here in like 15 minutes and just stay until we get here for a video or something" Quinton said. I still didn't like Kio after what happened but Liv had started talking to him a little again and I just avoided him. 

"Nessa, Cooper, and Sab should be here later to" Blake said. Once we got to the gym I got a message from Liv. 


Liv: Babe 
Jae: Yes
Liv: I'm bored when
will you be home
Jae: I just got here but I can get and
Liv: No it's fine 
Jae: Need anything else
because I won't be checking
my phone once I start
Liv: But what if I'm dying
Jae: That's Bryce responsibility 
Liv: So you wouldn't care 
Jae: I would die with you
Liv: You better
Jae: Just for that I won't die with
Liv: I will haunt you then
Jae: Ok well is there anything else
Liv: Nick is here and he is being annoying
Jae: It's Nick there is nothing I can do about it
Liv: Fine I will hang out with Josh and Anthony
Jae: Ok bye I love you
Liv: I Love you too bey bye

I smiled at my phone the whole time texting Liv. 
"Ok stop being a simp and come on" Quinton said as he grabbed my phone and turning it off. 

*Olivias POV*

"Nick shut up" I groaned as he yelled the lyrics of Drivers license. He jumped on top of my back which didn't work because he was heavy. 
"Josh, Quinton help me he is your friend" I said and they just watched laughing. Nick ran upstairs and I looked and Josh and Quinton confused but I hear loud footsteps running back over and saw Nick with a pillow. He started hitting me and the boys with the pillow. I grabbed it open from the couch and started hitting Nick with it until he ran into the tv breaking it. My hand went straight to my mouth as I laughed and so did the boys. (Just to be clear the boys are Josh and Quinton). The pillow had also ripped open leaving feathers everywhere. 

The doorbell rang and I went to open it and saw Nessa, Sab, and Cooper. 
"Hi" I said as I hugged them. 
"What happened here" Sab asked. 
"Nick is here" I said and they just nodded.
"Where are all the boys" Sab asked. 
"Gym" I said. 
"Josh we are going to your room" Nessa said and Josh, Quinton, and Nick followed. I heard the doorbell again and opened it to see Natalia and Mads. 
"Hi" Natalia said as she hugged me and Mads did the same. 
"I didn't know you were coming today" I said. 
"Yea but we decided to come over" Mads said. 

Wrong Number- Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now