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*Jadens POV* 

I woke up before Liv so I decided to get up and tell Bryce before she woke up. I knocked on Bryces door and he opened the door. 
"Need something" he asked. 
"It's about Liv" I said.
"Is she ok" he asked. 
"Yes but no" I said. Bryce stepped aside so I could walk in and sit on the couch in his room. 
"What happened" he asked as he sat on his bed across from me. 
"Um so you know Liv used to cut and she has been doing it again" I said. 
"Jaden please tell me your joking and if your joking I will beat you up" he said. 
"Bryce i'm not kidding she has cuts on her wrist" I said. 
"Maybe she just got hurt on accident" Bryce said
"Bryce she admitted it" I said. 
"I dont understand she seems so happy" he said. 
"Me either but she did it" I said. 
"What should I do" he said. 
"You have to find a way to tell her you know" I said. 
"She trusts you and she will tell you things but im her brother so she won't tell me anything Jaden" Bryce said. 
"So" I asked. 
"You have to figure this out" he said. 
"How should I do it" I asked. 
"Just talk to her she is really emotional and sensitive but you can do it" he said. 
"Are you sure" I asked.
"Jaden talk to her today or try to bring up topics that might be causing her to do it" he said. 
"Thanks man" I said and walked back to my room. 

I laid back next to Liv and sighed. Liv moved a little and put her head into my neck and got closer but stayed asleep. I played with her hair as she slept and I felt every one of her breathes on my neck. I thought about what could have caused her to do it and then I remembered our talk about the comments. I know how it feels to be hated but it hurts when the person you love is being hated on. I felt Liv move again but this time she moved away from me and faced the ceiling. 
"Good morning" she said. 
"Good morning princess I love you" I said making her smile. 
"Whatcha doin" she asked as she peeked at my phone as I texted Josh even though he was a room away.
"Nosy much" I said as I pulled my phone away. 
"Well im your girlfriend and im obviously not gonna give you full privacy" she said. 
"Not like im doing anything really anyway" I said as I showed her my phone. 
"Josh is like two rooms away" she said. 
"Ok and" i said. 
"And im bored" she said. 
"Liv your always bored" I said. 
"Because your never doing anything" she said. 
"What do you wanna do then" I asked. 
"Take Juice on a walk" she said.
"Ok then get ready" I said. 

"Am I not aloud to go like this" she asked. 
"You can go however you want" I said and kissed her forehead. 
"Ok then let's go" she said and got up. 
"But you have to brush your teeth" I said.
"Fine" she said as she walked to the bathroom. After she had been in the bathroom for a few minutes I walked over and knocked on the door. 
"Come in" Liv said. I walked in to see her doing her makeup. 
"Are you doing your makeup" I asked. 
"Ya why" she said.
"But you don't need it" I said. 
"Jay I know you don't actually think I look good without makeup" she said. 
"Of course you don't look good without makeup...you look beautiful without makeup" I said. 

"Even with makeup I don't look good" she said. I hugged her from behind and put my head on her shoulder. 
"Are you blind or something because you obviously can't see how beautiful you are" I said.
"Your the blind one thinking im beautiful" she said as she put mascara. 
"But you are soooo beautiful" I said. 
"Since you obviously are gonna keep saying im beautiful till I say I am then I am beautiful" she said as she put her makeup bag into a drawer I saw a blade and quickly grabbed it. Liv immediately froze as I held the blade in my hand. 
"Liv I saw the cuts" I said. 
"Can we talk about that later" she asked and I nodded. She tried to take the blade back but I made sure she couldn't get it. I put the blade where Liv couldn't reach and walked out of the bathroom as she followed. 
"So let's get Juice and go on a walk" I said. 

*Olivias POV*

I followed Jaden out of the bathroom and put my hair in a bun. 
"Juice come here" Jaden said as he got the leash and tried getting Juice to go to him.
"Come here Juice" he said again. 
"Come here baby" I said to Juice and he ran over. 
"Of course you listen to your mom but not me" he said and I laughed. 
"Cause he's my baby" I baby talked. Jaden walked over and put the leash on Juice and handed me the leash. I smiled and picked up Juice instead of the leash. 
"Who's my baby you are you are" I said and Jaden just watched as he smiled. I cradled Juice like a baby and kissed him on the forehead. 
"So your gonna kiss Juice but not me that's so mean" Jaden said. 
"I kissed you earlier" I said.
"Fine let's go then" he said and we walked down the stairs as I continued to carry Juice. Once we got to the door Jaden stared at me. 
"What" I asked. 
"How did you carry Juice the whole way like he's a golden retriever" he said. 
"He's my baby" I said. 

(After the walk)

Jaden had to go to the studio today and I wasn't aloud to go so I was hanging out with Josh, Kio, and Bryce. 
"Im hungry" Josh said. 
"Me to" Bryce and Kio said. 
"Want something to eat" Josh asked. 
"Um no I ate before I went on a walk with Jaden" I said even though I hadn't eaten all day. 
"Ok well we are gonna go get something to eat so text me if you change your mind" Bryce said. 
"Ok bye" I said and walked back to my room.


Ok so it may be boring right now because I need to set up for the drama that is gonna go on soon so just hang on like three more chapters 

Not my mom skipping forget me to by mgk and playing chandelier by Sia instead

You know the "put a 😏 after the last thing your teacher said" trend...ya heres mine "let's clap...clap in the best way that feels best to you 😏" 

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