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*Olivia POV*

I woke up cuddling Jaden and I could hear everyone downstairs talking and laughing. I slowly got up so I wouldn't wake up Jaden and walked downstairs. 
"Liv" Nessa said and hugged me. 
"Hi" I said and hugged her back. 
"Wheres Addison" I asked. 
"She got mad at Bryce" Nessa said.
"Of course Bryce did something" I said as I rubbed my eyes and yawned. 
"I heard about your kiss with Jaden" Nessa said. 
"Yes you did" I laughed. 
"And date" she said excited. 
"Later today at who knows where" I said. 
"The boys know where but won't tell me" Nessa said. 
"I would get it out of Josh if I were you" I whispered to her since all the boys were there.
"I tried but he won't tell me" she whispered.
"Wearing Jadens clothes and looking sad or pouting always works for me" I whispered back and she smiled.

"You guys are whispering so that can't be good" Bryce said as all the boys turned their attention to us. 
"It is good to us but not Josh" I said. 
"Don't be giving Nessa ideas" Josh said. 
"You should see how big a simp he is" I laughed and Nessa nodded and the boys continued staring. 
"Ok I'm going back with Jaden who is probably still sleeping" I said. I went and Nessa followed me to my room where Jaden was. We both got into my room and sat in my bed so Nessa was behind me. 
"Wanna watch tv" I whispered to her and she nodded when Jaden moved his arms around her waist and pulled her next to him thinking it was me but quickly let go making Nessa and I laugh.
"What the hell" he said surprised. 
"I can't believe you just did that" I laughed. 
"Im so sorry Nessa" Jaden said. 
"It's fine" Nessa laughed and Jaden put his arms around me pulling me closer to him. 

"Threesome" I said pulling Nessa closer to me and we both laid under the blankets with Jaden so I was in the middle. 
"Let's watch tvd" Nessa said and grabbed the remote. She put on tvd and we cuddled into each other as Jaden cuddled me from behind. 
"Nessa" Josh called from his room and Nessa groaned. 
"Bye wifey" she said and got up. 
"I love you" Jaden said to me once Nessa had left. 
"If you love me will you stop smoking" I asked him and he sighed. 
"I can't promise anything" he said and I turned to him and pecked him on the lips. 
"I still love you even if you smoke I just don't wanna lose you" I said. 
"I don't plan on leaving you Liv" he said.
"But that's the thing you never plan on leaving someone but then you get sick and I'm left here alone" I said. 
"I won't leave you even if I get sick" he said. 
"Pinky promise" I asked. 
"Pinky promise" he responded and we wrapped our finger around each other. 

"So what you want for breakfast" he asked. 
"Nothing" I said. 
"Please eat" he said and I just put my head into his neck.
"Please don't make me" I mumbled into his neck. 
"I will make anything you want" he said. 
"I'm not hungry" I whined. 
"Starbucks" he asked. 
"Cakepop" I said. 
"Ok I will have it delivered for you" he said. 
"Thank you" I said and pecked him on the lips again. 
"Now what do you wanna do" he asked. 
"I school work" I groaned. 
"I haven't seen you do school work in forever" he laughed.
"Because after we broke up we were never together and I never actually did my work" I said. 
"Come on let's go do it" he said. 
"Can you do it for me" I asked. 
"I dropped out for a reason" he said. 
"But I have to write a essay" I whined.

"Juice will be your emotional support animal" Jaden laughed. 
"You dropped out so I can to" I said.
"No you can't" Jaden said. 
"Fine" I groaned and started my essay. 

* 5 pm (The date)*

I was in the car with Jaden singing driver's license. Ok was more like yelling but still. Jaden and I were holding hands as he drove to wherever the date was. 
"Here we are" Jaden said stopping somewhere I have never seen and there was nobody around. 
"Are you kidnapping me or something" I laughed. 
"Follow me and you'll find out" he said as he got out of the car and I got out quickly following him. 
"Carry me" I asked and he bent down so I could jump onto his back.
"Thank you" I said and kissed his cheek. After he walked for a few minutes I saw a picnic set up. I jumped off his back and ran over to the picnic table. 
"This is so cute" I said and he came and sat down next to me. 
"So you like it" he asked and I nodded. 
"But why did you tell me to not dress up" I asked. 
"Because you look cuter like this" Jaden said. 
"Oh, and I brought you this because there is a lake" he said holding up my swimming suit. 
"You want me to eat and then wear a bikini" I asked. 

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