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*Two days later*

*Olivias POV*

Jaden canceled the hotel rooms so he could stay with me and was currently at the store picking up more snacks as I sat in bed home alone. I decided to go through my old drawers considering I hadn't been here in a month and I never really went through my drawers. I got of my bed and opened the first drawer on the dresser which had leggings so I took them out and on bottom was a photo album. I put it on my bed without looking at it and moved onto the next one when I heard someone ring the doorbell. I ran to the door and looked through the little peep hole and saw Jaden standing there with lot's of bags. I opened the door for him and walked back to my room as Jaden followed.

"What where you doing in here" Jaden asked once he saw my mess. 
"Looking through old stuff of mine" I said. 
"But you lived here like a month ago" he said. 
"But I forgot what's in here" I said. 
"Ok well let me look to" Jaden said. 
"Ok look in the top ones and i'll look at the bottom ones" I said. Jaden opened the drawer and looked at me. 
"What" I said and looked inside and saw my old vapes, blades, pills, and a few pictures. 
"You used to vape" Jaden asked. 
"Forgot to mention it" I said. 
"And the pills" he asked calmly. 
"I took them" I said. Jaden looked down and sat on the bed before going on his phone as I stood there. 
"Are you mad" I asked but Jaden didn't respond. 
"Jayyy" I whined but he still didn't respond.

"Fine if you won't talk to me im going on a walk" I said and Jaden stopped texting whoever he was texting but continued to look at the phone. I put on shoes and started walking away but Jaden quickly got up and pulled me back to the bed. 
"Ok you win" he said. 
"I always do Hossler" I said and put my head into his neck. 
"Liv why did you vape" he asked. 
"Jaden don't act like you don't vape" I said. 
"But it's bad for you and I want you to be healthy and safe" he said. 
"So your health just doesn't matter or what" I said. 
"I love you a lot Liv" he said. 
"I love you a lot to" I said.
"I also love that you say I love you back now" he said. 
"Me to" I said and stood up again. 

"Hey we were about to spend all day cuddling" Jaden whined. 
"You can cuddle the pillow because I have tons of photos I don't remember" I said and grabbed my photo album I found and a few pictures from the drawer. Jaden sat up because he wanted to look too. I opened it and the first picture was of Bryce, me, my mom, and dad. We were all smiling in the photo and Bryce and I had ice cream and Bryce was holding our old dog on the leash. 
"You guys look happy here" Jaden said. 
"Yea but I don't think I was" I said. I went to the next page which was a picture of Bryce and I playing with our dog. 
"Here I was happy" I said. We looked at every picture which was all Bryce and I. I sighed and laid down.

"You okay" Jaden asked. 
"I just wish I had nicer parents" I said. 
"Sorry that you don't" he said. I laid my head on his chest and fell asleep.


Sorry for the short chapter I just need a filler so that I can get to the smut and drama faster because like those are the best part of stories but seriously this is short its's only 645 words 


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