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*A week later*

*Olivias POV* 

I was currently getting ready for a date with Jaden after watching tv and cuddling all week and he had been watching me closely ever since I had cut. I was starting to feel fat again so I stopped eating a lot but ate enough so I wasn't hungry. Anyway Addison was with me helping me do my hair and makeup after helping me choose a outfit. I was surprised the paparazzi hadn't caught us yet  and nobody knew we were dating but we were gonna be public in a few days. We had already filmed the tiktok and just needed to post it. I had covered my cuts with makeup and I had made two more in the last week but I don't think Jaden knew about those if he even knows about the other three. I still hadn't told Jaden the L word back yet but he still told me.

"Done" Addison said as she finished curling my hair. I looked in the mirror and smiled. 
"Thank you Addison" I said and hugged her.

                                                            ^Liv's outfit hair and makeup^

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                                                            ^Liv's outfit hair and makeup^

"Ok now go downstairs with and have fun on your date" Addison said. 
"Thanks Addison I love you" I said as I ran down the stairs but tripped because my shoes were kinda a high heel. Jaden walked to me and helped me up. 
"You need to stop running down the stairs princess" Jaden said. 
"But walking takes to long" I said and he laughed. 

(A/N: I was imagining Jadens part in an accent for some reason and wearing a suit like a fancy rich guy...my imagination scares me sometimes)

I held his hand to the car where he opened the door for me and I sat in the passenger seat. He walked around the car and started driving to wherever he was taking me. 
"You know I don't know how how to drive" I said. 
"Ya you've told me many times" he said and laughed.
"I wanna learn" I said. 
"I can teach you" he said. 
"Really whe-" I said before my phone ringing cut me off. 
"Ugh it's stupid Bryce" I said as I picked up. 
"Hey Brucey boy" I said. 
"Don't call me that" he said. 
"Fine then I will call you bitchy Bryce" I said and Jaden tried not to laugh. 
"You know what whatever I just wanted to call you to let you know you are in trouble when you get back and Jaden is gonna be dead" he said. 
"Why" I asked. 
"Just think what could I you and Jaden have possibly done that pissed me off" he said. 
"There are a lot of things" I said. 
"You know what just go on your date and we will talk about it later" he said before he hung up. 
"He sounded mad" Jaden said. 
"Do you think I went to far with the names" I asked. 
"Just a little" Jaden said as he put his hand on my thigh which he had never done before. 
"Called me princess and now this" I said. 
"I can stop if you want" he said quickly and worried. 
"I like it" I said as we both smiled. 
"Where we going" he asked. 
"Your favorite restaurant" he said as he pulled into the chick-fil-a drive through. 
"Your kidding" I said as my smiled widened. 
"Nope" he said. 

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