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*Olivias POV*

Jaden had been in his room for five days now and it was 3:30pm so I decided I would try and talk to him since he wouldn't let anyone in his room or leave except to get food. I had told the boys so they were in my room waiting to see what would happen. I knocked on Jadens door and I didn't hear anything so I knocked again and still heard nothing. I knocked even harder this time and heard him walk up to the door. The door opened quickly and Jaden yelled into my face
"Fucking leave me alone" before realizing it was me. I backed up a little and saw his expression change. 
"Oh Liv I didn't know it was you" he said. 
"C-can I come in" I asked. He sighed as he moved to the side letting me walk in. I sat on the edge of the bed and he sat next to me, I could tell he had been crying because of his red puffy eyes. 

"Jaden I don't understand what happened" I said looking into his eyes. 
"Thats the problem" he said. 
"What is Jaden please tell me your like my best friend and I miss talking to you every day" I said looking away. 
"Liv the problem is i'm like your brother" he said as he looked away. 
"How is it a problem" I asked him. 
"Well I wanted to ask you something but knowing that im like your brother I didnt want to ruin what we have right now which as you can tell I didn't like" Jaden said looking back at me. 

"What do you wanna ask me then because it won't ruin our friendship whatever it is" I said as I grabbed his hand and smiled. I could tell he was a little unsure until he finally started speaking. 
"Olivia Hall even though now I know you think of me as a brother and will probably say no...will you go on a date with me" Jaden smiled slightly. 
"Jaden we've only know each other for a month..." I said and his smile quickly disappeared. 
"But I have felt the same way about you" I said as both of us had a big smile on out face. All the boys came in cheering including Bryce. 

"Bryce you were slamming doors because I liked Jaden a few days ago" I said giggling. 
"Ya and I changed my mind" he said hugging me. 
"So Jadens whens the date gonna be" Josh said and Jadens face went blank. 
"Well I had it planned for yesterday but I have and idea of what I want" Jaden said smiling again. Jaden and the guys walked out but I had no clue when or what I was going to wear. I followed them into Bryces room and stood there for a second until Noah noticed. 
"What are you doing here" Noah asked. 

"Well you see I dont know when or what to wear" I said. 
"Oh today and something comfy like sweats and a large shirt or even pajamas would be ok" Jaden said. I nodded and walked out. I decided to wear this

It may not have been what he said but I didn't want to look that bad on my first date with him

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It may not have been what he said but I didn't want to look that bad on my first date with him. 
I did my makeup and hair like this

I had been in my room for a few minutes before I heard someone knock on my door (it took and hour to get ready)

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I had been in my room for a few minutes before I heard someone knock on my door (it took and hour to get ready). 
"Ready Liv" Bryce asked after I opened the door. I nodded and walked downstairs to see Jaden sitting on the couch with flowers wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. 
"Liv" he said standing up quickly and handing me the flowers. 
"Sooo ummm well the date let's go" he said nervously. Once we got into the car I could tell he was nervous still. He grabbed something out of his pocket. 

"Put this on" he said handing me a blindfold. I put on the blindfold and could feel the car start moving. (skip to once you get there). Jaden got out and helped me out of the car we started walking and I still had a blind fold on. 
"Ok take off your blind fold" Jaden said. I took off the blindfold to see a blanket laying on the sand with food. 
"Oh my god Jae this is so cute" I said looking at him. He smiled and sat down and I sat down next to him. 
"This is better than I imagined" I said looking at the water. 
"I remember you liked being outside so I decided a beach would be the best idea" he said. 
"Well im hungry so im gonna eat" he said grabbing a chicken nugget. 

"You even got my favorite foods" I said happily.
"Well ya" he said as he dipped his nugget into barbecue. I could feel Jaden staring at me as I continued to look at the water.
"Why are you staring at me you creep" I said jokingly looking his way. 
"Sorry but your just so beautiful" he said and I felt myself blush. After we had eaten for a few minutes Jaden stood up and gave me his hand. I took his hand and he pulled me up. He threw me over his shoulder and ran to the water. 

"Jae put me down" I yelled as he stepped into the water (they took off their shoes) with me still on his shoulder trying to get out of his grip. 
"Nope" he said as he walked deeper into the water and dropped me. The water was knee deep and I was freezing as Jaden laughed. 
"J-Jaeeee" I said stretching out the e and stuttering from the cold. I chased Jaden around laughing and soaking wet. Once we finally sat down again I was freezing. 
"Oh sorry your probably cold Jaden said handing me his sweatshirt.

"Its ok keep it" I said but he put it in my arms. I put on his sweatshirt and smiled, it was still a little cold so Jaden pulled me closer. We both just stared at the water until Jaden got up and walked to the car grabbing something. He walked over and started putting something on the sand. I looked closer at it and noticed it was a tent. 
"Why do you have a tent" I asked as he threw blankets inside. 
"Just wait" he said going back to the car grabbing what looked like a computer. 
"Come on" he said as he walked in. I ran over to the tent and sat next to him. 

"This is so cute" I said. 
"I was going to try and do this earlier but I ran out of time" he said as he opened the computer. 
"Can we watch Dumbo" I smiled at him. He chuckled before opening Dumbo. We laid down and he put the computer on his stomach. I put my head on his shoulder while he hugged me with one arm. 

"This is the best date ever" Jaden said. 
"This is my first date" I said looking at him. Jaden looked at me weird. 
"You had two boyfriends before me so how is that possible" he asked. 
"Let's just enjoy this and I will tell you later" I said. Halfway through the movie I felt my eyes getting heavy so I closed them and quickly fell asleep. 

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