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*One week later*

*Olivias POV*

It had been a week and I only left to pick up Juice and luckily the hospital let me bring him in so I also left to take him on walks. I was sitting next to Jaden holding his hand and playing with the rings I put back on his hand. 
"I'm sorry I said I wanted you out of my life forever I didn't mean it and now that you might end up out of my life forever all I want is to watch sad movies and you hug me telling me every thing is fine as I cry about the movie" I said to Jaden, 
"Jay you have to wake up please I need you maybe not dating because everything is going wrong right now and I would need more time but as a friend because I also don't trust you still even though it wasn't all your fault you cheated" I cry and then Bryce walks in. 
"Liv you have been here for a week come home for today and I will bring you back tomorrow morning" he said. 
"But what if he wakes up" I said. 
"Please Liv the house seems empty without you and it's depressing at sway now" he said. 

"Fine" I sighed and got up and got Juice. Once I walked in I immediately went to Jadens room and noticed everything on the ground and the whole in the wall. I decided I would clean it up for him when he get's better but he can fix the wall because I have no clue how to do that. I picked up the glass which ended up cutting me a lot but I don't care. I wiped the blood from my hands and started putting clothes back into drawers and the closet. I looked on top of the closet and saw a box I couldn't reach. I kept jumping trying to get it until I finally reached it and saw a tag on top. Happy anniversary princess  the tag said making me smile. This is probably for our two month which would have been in a week but we weren't dating anymore so I decided I would leave it. (Istg if I forget about the box) 

I decided I would go to Kios room and see what he was doing. I walked into his room and saw him playing video games. 
"Kio" I said. 
"KIO" I yelled and he turned off the game. 
"Liv your finally back" he said and hugged me. 
"Only because Bryce forced me to" I said. 
"Well you can't be in the hospital until he wakes up" Kio said. 
"Wanna bet" I said. 
"No because knowing you your gonna win" he said and we both laughed. 
"Wanna watch tv" I asked. 
"Why not" he said and we both got on his bed. 

"What do you wanna watch" I asked. 
"I dont know" he said. 
"Oh let's watch attaway general so I can make fun of your acting" I said. 
"No stick to Vampire Diaries" he said. 
"OK then Vampire Diaries it is" I said and he laughed. Once it started playing I got as close as I could to Kio because it was cold. 
"Liv do you realize how close you are to me" he said. 
"If your uncomfortable I can move" I said. 
"Im not uncomfortable" he said. 
"Then would you mind hugging me because it's freezing" I said. Kio put his arms around me. 

*Bryce POV*

I was with everyone and Kio and Liv had fallen asleep hugging but I don't think there was a problem with it. I was with the rest of the boys in my room when I got a call from the hospital. Once the call was finished I was pale and had no idea what to do.
"Who was that and what happened" Noah asked. 
"That was the hospital and it's about Jaden" I said. 
"What happened" Josh asked. 
"They said that Jaden..."

*Olivias POV*

I woke up next to Kio and decided I would scare him. I got and grabbed a airhorn from closet. I put it next to his ear and woke him up. 
"WHAT THE HELL" he yelled as he jumped. I was laughing so hard as he just sat there. 
"Oh my god somethings wrong with you" he said laughing a little and laid back down. 
"Ok now that your awake how about you drive me to the hospital" I said. 
"After you almost gave me a heart attack I should be the one going" he said.
"Come on Kio get up" I said. 
"Nope" he said. 
"Fine then i'll get someone nicer to take me" I said. 
"Nicer?! I cuddled you and watched vampire diaries last night" he scoffed. 

"Drop me off at the hospital and you won't see me until Jaden wakes up" I said. 
"Hey I still wanna see you" he said. 
"Well there are visiting hours" I said. 
"Fine i'll drop you off" he said. 
"YAY" I yelled. 
"Let's go eat first though" Kio said. 
"I'm not hungry" I said. 
"Ok but if you want food while your at the hospital just text me" he said and then Bryce came in. 

"Hey Bryce i'm about to the hospital to see Jaden" I said smiling. 
"Liv um I need to tell you something but you should sit down" he said. 
"What's going on" I asked as I sat down. 
"The hospital called" he said. 
"Did Jaden wake up" I said happily. 
"No Liv" he said. Kio sat next to me and listened to Bryce as well. 
"Bryce what happened" I asked. 
"Um J-Jaden um he" Bryce said. 
"Bryce just tell me" I yelled. 


I will be mean and leave you on a cliffhanger and probably not update until tomorrow. 

So what do we think about making an army against the self centered annoying bitch Mads because like if yall are in then I got the water because she might melt

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