Leaving And Never Forgetting

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*I recomend listening to the song Lay Me Down by Sam Smith beause it really suits this chapter*

Everything was silent in the streets, nobody moved, nobody spoke, just watched the horror in front of them.

The police officer had fired a bullet at Maddie, but Newt had jumped in the way.

Who did it hit?



Some other random person in the street?

Thomas and Minho ran over to their two friends, seeing as they lay on the ground, Newt holding Maddie close, small sobs escaping his lips as tears fell down his face.

Thomas knelt down to Newt and Maddie, not wanting to even see what had happened.

Minho then knelt down to Thomas his eyes widening at the sight.

Blood was staining a spot in the street, leading up to Madison.

The police officer had shot her, Newt had hoped it would had missed her but it didn't.

"Maddie.. You can't..." Newt choked out, running his fingers through her hair gently.

"It-it's okay.." She studdered out, taking breaths every few seconds.

Thomas also had begun to cry while Minho kept a straight face not daring to show his emotions.

Newt on the other hand wasn't afraid to cry, his girlfriend was dying in his arms.

"Maddie.. Please..." Newt sobbed, holding her hand tightly.

"It's okay.." She whispered, her breathing still rapid.

"No.. No it's not okay!" Newt cried out, kissing her forehead gently as tears fell down his face.

"I'm in the arms... Of my first love.." She whispered, raising her hand to touch Newt's cheek gently.

"The only person I'll ever love.." She gave a weak smile.

Blood had now gotten onto her lips, making it a dark red color.

Newt shook his head, he didn't want to believe her.

"Madison. Please." Newt begged, tears still falling down his cheeks.

"Y-You gotta get out of here.." She spoke frantically, her breathing more rapid.

"Y-You gotta.. Promise m-me." She looked into Newt's eyes and he nodded quickly.

"I promise." Newt whispered, giving a weak fragile smile.

She was about to speak again when her breathing started to slow down, and that's when she took her last breath, and her eyes fell shut.

Newt sobbed harder than ever, he kissed her forehead, holding his girlfriend close.

Thomas was now sobbing, he just watched his sister die right in front of him.

Minho had his hands covering his face.

After all they went through, the Maze, and then being in a Desert with Cranks and physco WICKED people this was how her life ended.

Everyone was silent in the street, they all looked at the blonde haired boy with the brunet girl in his arms.

Thomas eventually got up from the ground, he couldn't handle it.

Minho got up also, following Thomas, they needed to get inside thier hotel, but they couldn't just leave Newt and Maddie out in the middle of a street with thousands of people gawking at them.

Thomas gently grabbed his best friends arm, along with Minho.

"Newt we need to get out of here, as much as it hurts, you have to leave her.." Thomas whispered gently, the lump in his throat making it hard for him to even speak.

Newt instantly looked up at his friend, his eyes blood shot from crying.

"You want me to leave her here? You've got to be kidding!" Newt yelled, causing everyone to flinch.

Newt just lost his girlfriend, and his sanity.

He lost everything, his family, his girlfriend, like they were actually ever going to make it out alive?

"I can't do this Thomas.. I can't.." Newt choked out, looking down at Maddie.

Newt slowly looked up at Thomas, they had made a promise a while back, Newt didn't want to end up a crank and neither did Maddie.

Thomas's eyes widened as he realized what Newt was implying.

"No Newt, I can't.. I just lost Madison... My sister.." Thomas shook his head and looked at his friend.

"Please Tommy... Please.." Newt whispered, it was the only thing he wanted.

Thomas let out a shakey breath and grabbed the officers gun off the ground, he shut his eyes tightly, unsure if he could do it.

Then once again, the same BANG went throughout the streets, another life gone, another person that meant so much, also gone.

Thomas's hands shook, the gun dropping from his hands.

He just killed his best friend.

Now two lifeless bodies laid before them.

Madison and Newt's.

But they were happy, because they were together now, in no pain.

But on the other hand, Thomas and Minho stood there, looking down at their friends.

"We'll never forget you guys.. we're going to make it out of here.. I promise.." Thomas whispered as Minho dragged him off into the hotel.

They were going to make it out, they were going to live to Maddie's word, Newt promised her they would make it out, and they will.

Thomas and Minho walked into their hotel room, the police officers had taken Newt and Madison's bodies away, they were to set up a funeral a few days later.

They were going to be okay, they had eachother and Newt and Madison in their hearts, that's all they needed.

They had made a promise, and that was a promise they were willing to keep.

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