In Action

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This was the moment, the moment of truth.

Today was the day Aris had to kill Beth, his own roomate.

The night had gone by a lot quicker than Aris had hoped, he wished it was all a dream and that it was fake and none of that ever happened.

But he was wrong.

This was happening, and it was happening now.

"Hey shank, get up and lets go." Minho grumbled, running his fingers through his hair.

Newt had woken up also, but Maddie was still fast asleep.

"You gonna wake her up or you gonna lay there forever?" Thomas chuckled, making Newt groan and kiss Maddie's cheek.

"Hey, Maddie." Newt cooed, making her whine and bury herself more into his shirt.

"Maddie." Newt murmured, nuzzling his face into her cheek and hair.

Whenever he did that he always got her to smile, one because well it's shucking adorable and two because it made her feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.

"Five more minutes." She grumbled, pulling Newt closer.

"She doesn't want to get up." Newt confirmed, looking at Thomas and Minho.

"You know what, it's probably best that Thomas, Aris and I go over and you two stay here." Minho spoke, he did make a good point actually.

"That is a smart idea, Maddie did get injured and she does need rest, and we have Aris who has a gun ready to kill Beth and I have Minho to protect me from the girls if they try anything." Thomas explained, backing up Minho's thoughts.

"Believe me, they won't touch you." Minho smiled warmly at Thomas who smiled back at him.

"Thanks guys, good luck." Newt smiled and they nodded, picking up Aris who looked like a scared puppy and left the room.

Newt adjusted himself so that Maddie was more comfrontable, making her squeak everytime he moved.

Newt chuckled and Maddie rolled over so she was facing him.

"Newwwwwwwttttt." She whined, muffiling into his shirt.

"Madddddiiieeeeee." He whined back, running his fingers through her hair gently.

"I love you." She smiled, looking up at him.

"I love you too." He smiled back, pecking her lips.

"Now you better rest, I can't let you get no sleep." Newt spoke sternly but couldn't help but smile.

"You are terrible at being scary." Maddie laughed, wrapping her arms around Newt, pulling him closer to her.

Newt just chuckled, holding Maddie close to himself, he wasn't letting her go this time.


"Go. Do it. Now." Minho growled, shoving Aris up to Group B's room.

Aris just took a deep breath and unlocked the door walking in.

Thomas and Minho stood in the doorway, one to watch him and two so he wouldn't try to run.

"Hey Aris." Rachel smiled, but it quickly disapeared at the sight of Thomas and Minho.

All the girls looked at the two boys standing in their doorway.

"Wh-What's going on." Beth studdered, looking at them, then at Aris.

Aris turned to Beth, his body shaking.

"Aris...what's wrong?..." Rachel questioned, fear rising inside her body.

Aris just looked at Beth, a sad and scared expression on his face.

"Beth..I'm so sorry..." He whispered, making Beth confused but her eyes wide.

"What are you talking about Aris?" She questioned, her face full of fear.

"Please don't hate me...I have to do this.." He whispered again, tears falling down his cheeks.

"Aris, what on earth-," Beth began but to only scoot away at the sight.

Aris brought up the gun, pointing it right at Beth.

Beth shook her head, her voice scrambling with words, her body shaking.

"" She cried out, tears falling down her cheeks.

"Aris, put the gun down..." Rachel spoke carefully and softly, looking at him.

Aris only glanced over at her, but remained focused on Beth.

"This is for the best of everyone Beth..I'm s-so sorry." He cried out, tears flowing uncontrolably.

"Aris. Please!" Beth cried out, looking at him pleadingly.

Aris looked over at Thomas and Minho who had blank expressions on their faces, but Minho nodded at him.

"Beth, forgive me later." He whispered, more tears flowing.

"A-Aris, PLEASE!" She screamed, tears flowing down her cheeks.

Rachel looked at Aris, she was now crying too and so were the other girls.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, then pulled the trigger.

It hit Beth, making her fall to the ground gasping for air, screaming and crying, Rachel and the other girls ran over to her, crying and holding her in their arms.

Aris shook, his hands were extreamly shakey and he gave the gun back to Minho, then walked out the door with them.

Aris didn't stay with the girls, he was pretty sure they'd try to kill him for what he did.

"BETH!" Rachel screamed, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"R-Rachel.." She gasped, trying to get air.

"S-S-Stay s-strong.." She smiled slightly, then took her last breath saying her last words.

"I'll miss you." She spoke, then her body slowly stopped moving, her breathing slowed down, and that was it.

Beth, was dead.

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