The Letter

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Thomas's POV

There was a letter too?

This box held everything apparently.

But why in the middle of know where?

Was there a reason for her to find this box?

She mentioned that the letter, it was from our parents.

Did they put it there?

Did everyone used to live here?

In this spot?

What was so important about this area that everyone was now in?

"Maddie open the letter." Thomas spoke, looking at her.

He was now supposedly her older brother, he had to watch over her now.

She nodded slowly, opening the letter more, folding the sides out.

"I'll read it out loud alright?" She nodded, looking down at the paper.

"Dear Madison and Thomas and the rest of the group, you may be wondering what has happened, but it has happened for a reason. You may be mad at us for letting you go at a young age, being taken away from your family and watching everyone you love die. WICKED is here to protect you, not harm you, at least they shouldn't, that's not what we agreed on." She read, pausing to take a deep breath.

Thomas looked like he was about to cry, this was so overwhelming to him.

Newt sat beside Maddie, his arm wrapped around her carefully.

Minho held Thomas's hand to keep him sane before loosing it completely.

"For all of you that have made it to the Scorch Trials, congradulations, you can do this, we believe in you. We may not be alive by the time you make it out for good, the sun has probably Scorched our world already. We knew a lot more than you think, but we did this to save you, to save everyone. We did this out of love. We miss and love you all.

Love, you're parents." She finished reading the letter, her eyes rereading it unable to believe what she just said.

"This can't be true." She mumbled, anger filling her body.

Maddie isn't a person to get mad, especially over things so meaningful to her.

Newt held her closer, whispering calming things.

"What do we do now?" Thomas questioned, looking at the letter then at Maddie.

"I don't know, it doesn't tell me." She replied, looking at the letter.

She looked at the box one more time, seeing if she missed anything.

But then something caught her eye, she placed her hand in the box and felt around.

There was something in the box, but more litterally in the box, like built in.

She started to peel and pick off the siding of the box on the inner side.

She slowly removed a gold key, she didn't know why it was there, but it was.

"What the hell is that?" Minho exclaimed, looking at it.

"A key, a gold key." Maddie replied, twirling it around in her fingers.

She squinted her eyes and saw a name was carved into the side.


She looked up at Thomas, his eyes full of confusion.

"This is your key." She stood up, walking over to him, placing the key in his hand.

"My key?" He questioned, looking down at it now in his hand.

Sure enough his name was carved into it.

She walked back over to her spot, and sat down, making sure nothing else was in the box.

She took the pictures and put them back in, then she picked up the letter when something else caught her eye.

She turned the letter over, there was a drawing on the back.

"What is that?" Newt questioned, looking at it also.

Maddie sat there, looking at it.

"It's a map." She replied, looking up at all the boys.

"A map I've seen before, because I made it." She whispered, looking back down at it.

This wasn't just a map, it was a clue.

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