Test Subjects

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They all were laying on a seperate table in the testing room.

WICKED wanted to see what went wrong that killed them, this wasn't supposed to happen to the people WICKED had chosen for their experiment.

Little did WICKED know was that they were still alive, just in a deep sleep, locked away in their own minds.

Maddie's POV

She was walking around in the forest, she always went there when she was a kid.

Everything was just so peaceful, just like it used to be, no worries, no dangers, just peace.

She walked over branches from trees that had fallen, taking in the scenery around her.

She walked for hours, not having a care in the world because this was her spot, her place, her home that she loved to be in so much.

She walked up to a river, the water flowing down it, running over the rocks and stones... and a glowing jar?

She stared at it with curiousity, in all the years she's gone to this area, not once had a glowing jar been there.

She carefully started to balance on the slippery rocks, water rushing over her feet as she walked through the river to get the jar.

She was halfway into the river, the bottle almost in the grasp of her hand.

She took another step, slipping slightly, making her arms wave around frantically to keep balance, but it wasn't enough, as she plunged into the cold river water.

She fell, knocking the jar down with her, she hit her head on a rock, causing her to loose focus a bit, but she was still concious.

She grabbed the jar, with all the conciousness she had left, studying the object in her hand.

She looked closer at the jar, seeing a picture inside, it was the testing room.

Her eyes widened as she saw that, then looked around at where she was.

This wasn't real, she was in her mind, she needed to wake herself up.

She held onto the jar, as her eyelids slowly fluttered shut, falling into complete darkness.

Newt's POV

He was at this home, it was like a cute little cabin in the moutains.

He had the fire going, hot tea in a nice warm mug, and a comfty couch to enjoy it all.

This is what he did first when he came to his cabin in the moutains, and then after that he'd go for a walk through the snowy area, taking in the wonderful scenery, enjoying everything.

He finished his tea and grabbed his coat, walking out the door.

He was walking down a path, gazing at the white snow on the trees.

He was walking until he saw a glowing jar stuck in the snow.

He carefully walked over to it, but there was a layer of ice underneathe him that he didn't know about.

As he reached for it, he slipped, but touched the jar, seeing the image of the testing room.

That's when he realized this wasn't real, this was fake, he wasn't here.

He slowly hit the ground with a 'thud.' Until everything went black.

Thomas's POV

He was at the playground with his sister, little five year old Maddie.

He was sitting on the swings watching her climb all over the place.

She was laughing and having fun and then jumped down, something capturing her attention in the woods.

She slowly began wandering off the playground, out into the open field.

Thomas's eyes quickly shot up seeing his sister was nowhere to be found on the playground, his eyes wandering everywhere ti'll he saw her feet away from the engulfing bright green forest.

Thomas shot up off the swing and began sprinting after her.

Maddie had already disapeard into the woods.

Thomas wandered around until he saw something... Glowing?

At first he thought it was Maddie hiding somewhere, but this.. This wasn't her at all.. It was a jar.

He stumbled over to it, it was in the rocks unerneathe an unsteady tree.

He knew it wasn't safe but he was already set on getting the jar.

He stumbled over a branch that had fallen and lunged and grabbed the jar, seeing the testing room on the inside.

His eyes widened, this wasn't real, Maddie wandering off, everything.

He instantly looked up at the tree as the branch fell ontop of him, knocking him out completely.

Minho's POV

He was standing behind the counter at the coffee shop, this was his lovely job.

He took a customers order and made them their coffee, handing it to them, taking the cash and wishing them a good day.

He was on his lunch break when an accident happened right in front of his eyes in the middle of the street.

But the accident wasn't what really caught his attention, it was this glowing jar.

He slowly rose up from his seat and walked out the door, looking at the jar.

He knew this was a risk to take but what's one risk right?

He jogged out and grabbed the jar swiftly and stood there looking at it, studying it.

He thought he could use this as the new tip jar, until he saw something.. The imagine of the testing room.

His eyes shot up as he looked at his surroundings, this was all fake, he wasn't actually here.

He was so focused on the jar he didn't see until the last minute a car heading right for him, hitting him and making him unconcious.

Aris's POV

He was at the library, Aris was a type of kid who was somewhat of a loner.

He was sitting next to a book shelf, a textbook in his lap and papers surrounding him.

He was focused until something caught his eye, a kid walked into the library, he signed in and then... Left..?

Aris's mind took over before his body could even understand his actions as he stood up following the boy.

He saw the kid turn and something fall out of his backpack.

It was a glowing jar.

He slowly picked it up, looking for the kid but he was nowhere to be found.

He looked closer at it seeing everyone in the testing room.

He looked up to see the kid standing there before him, a bat in his hands as he hit Aris, knocking him out cold.


Everyone shot up, gasping for air, they all looked around breathlessly, taking in their surroundings to see if it was true, if they were actually in the testing room.

And they were.

"It worked.." Maddie sighed, laying back down.

It worked.

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