Death Awaits

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Thomas's POV.

Thomas was full of so many emotions. He was so confused and hurt at the same time.

Everyone wanted to know what the hell was going on, but he couldn't talk, not now.

"Thomas, talk to us man." Alby sighed, obviously a bit concerned.

Thomas looked at them all, "How could she leave me?" He growled, starting to get mad again.

"I loved her!" He yelled. He started to go into an emotional breakdown.

Newt quickly came over and comforted the upset brunet. He held him close, telling him it'd be okay.

Newt looked around at the others, their faces full of pain and sadness for Thomas.

Thomas slowly became calm once again and sighed. "I'm such an ass." He grumbled.

"All she ever did was care for me, and I made it seem like it was her fault for everything.." He sighed.

Alby came over and started to talk to him, as did a few other gladers to figure out more information.

But Newt. Newt wandered off to find Maddie, just to make sure she was okay.

He did care about her, a lot in fact. In the begining he was that fond of her, but the more they spent together, the more he wanted to be around her.

It was a shame he didn't know what she was up to, and how long they might have together after what she was doing.

Maddie's POV.

She had made up her mind, if so many people despised her so much, she wasn't going to be there to cause anymore pain.

She had walked back to her fort, all those memories flowing through her brain, being in there with Newt.

God, she forgot how heart broken he'd be. He was the only one that cared for her.

She began to sob, she was so unhappy she couldn't contain it inside anymore. She grabbed a few sticks and cut her arms and legs to make herself feel better.

But it didn't. She couldn't stand the sadness overtaking her.

She grabbed the rope she had made to help people, she closed her eyes tightly, tears pouring out.

She made sure it was tight around the branch, and searched for something to stand on.

She picked up a rock that was a decent height. She slowly put the loop around her neck, tightening it so it was strong.

All these thoughts going through her head, she couldn't take it.

She took one last deep breath, shut her eyes, and slowly walked off the rock, having just enough space from the ground to hang.

This was her suicide attempt.

Newt's POV.

He searched for her from where she had left, he began to worry when he couldn't find her. The only place left to check was her tree fort.

He walked to where it was and suddenly stopped. He froze, stunned by what he saw. Maddie, just hanging from the tree, looking lifeless.

Newt frantically cut the rope down and removed the rope from her neck. "Maddie!" He yelled.

He yelled so loud the others heard. They all knew that Newt never yelled unless it was something bad.

They all sprinted to where he was and saw him holding Maddie, she was pale and barely breathing.

"We need to get her to the Medical area!" He shouted, his nerves taking over, Newt was shaking uncontrolably, tears falling down his face.

But then his eyes landed on Thomas's. All of a sudden his sadness disapeared, and was full of rage and anger. He attacked Thomas full on, hitting him and wanting to beat the shit out of him.

"This is all your fault, you bloody bastard!" Newt yelled, causing a few other Gladers to come running back and seperating Newt and Thomas.

Minho quickly pulled Newt off of Thomas, as Thomas looked up at Newt, his face bloody and his eye now turning black.

Minho ordered Newt to go be with Maddie as he had to help Thomas now go to the medical area too.


There they both were, laying in the medical beds. Thomas was getting his face cleaned up and making sure he was still concious.

Newt had beaten him pretty bad, he was just full on force. But for Maddie, it was different, she hadn't made that much progress.

Maddie was asleep, pretty much in a coma, they didn't know when she'd wake up.

In all honesty that was scary for them all, what if she never woke up? Or what if she did and they had found a way out of the maze and left her?

All these thoughts were going through Newt's mind as with the others. Days went by and Thomas had made recovery and tried to help find ways out of the maze.

Newt on the other hand, was always with Maddie, then one day she moved around, causing Newt to beam with happiness.

She was okay, she was alive.

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