Who are you?

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A few hours later he slowly began to wake up and was instantly confused.

Newt looked around then at her, she was kinda close to him, only to keep him warm of course.

He backed away a bit and was frightened by the sight of her.

She began to slowly back away, also looking down somewhat dissapointed that he was so terrified of her.

He studied her for what seemed like forever until words slipped from his mouth.

"Who are you?" He spoke in what seemed like such a small whisper you could barely hear him.

She wanted to reply, the nerves building up, should she tell him?

All she could do was think it all through her head, she couldn't tell him, not now at least.

He looked at her more, trying to figure everything out.

"You're that girl... that I saw in the forest earlier." Newt spoke, he wasn't sure why she was here and how on earth she had gotten into the Glade without anyone seeing her.

She sat there unsure if she should nod to prove she was there. It took a few minutes for her to think it through, then nodded in response.

He studied her more, still trying to figure her out.

"Why won't you speak to me?" He spoke, so calm and softly. The way he looked at her made her melt on the inside.

She wanted to respond, but anything she could've said he might share with the others.

She sighed and decided to take the risk.

"Nobody else can know I'm here.." She whispered, looking at him.

He scrunched his eyebrows together and looked somewhat confused.

"Why not? You've been what seems like hiding your whole life!" He replied, he didn't understand her.

She shook her head and looked down.

"Just promise me, you won't tell the others I'm here." She spoke quietly.

"Only you can know I'm here, this stays between us." She grabbed his hand gently to get him to understand this was important.

He looked startled when she touched his hand, but began to relax as he saw she had no intention to hurt him.

In fact he held onto her hand, not too tight but tight enough that he wasn't going to let go anytime soon.

"I promise." He smiled slightly, which made her smile a bit too.

"I'll tell you later why I can't be known here." She said softly, shaking her head at the thought of it all happening.

Newt nodded and looked around again, seeing the work that it took to build the treefort they were currently in.

"This must've taken a lot of time to make huh?" He chuckled a bit, glancing around the fort.

She smiled and nodded, taking in what she had built three years ago.

Newt looked over at her and moved a bit so there was some space next to himself.

She bit her lower lip and looked at him while he patted the spot next to him for her to lay with him.

She slowly got up and got under the blanket laying down next to him but keeping her eyes locked on his.

It was at least two in the morning so they had time to sleep, but she was to nervous to. She could feel him looking at her if she looked away, so that's when she did it. She turned on her side and buried her face into his chest.

Newt's body heat was so warm and she could take in the scent from his clothes. He was a bit stiff at first, unsure of what to do and what was going on, but he soon relaxed.

She couldn't help but smile, here she was with Newt, this cute dirty haired blonde boy that she had just met for the first time and here she was, cuddling with him in the tree fort.

She leaned her head against his chest and then felt him rest his head on hers.

This was perfect, beyond perfect actually. This is what she had dreamt of, and now it was coming true.

First Time Maze Runner [Newt Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now