You Owe Me

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Maddie walked out of the Gathering, she didn't know what to do.

Everyone now knew about her and Thomas, that wasn't good. At all.

She walked around, not sure on anything anymore, everything was ruined.

Everyone in the Glade now hates her, they think she's the reason they can't get out, like she's an infection.

Maddie paced back and forth in the Glade until someone grabbed her from behind.

"Get the shuck away from me!" She shouted, only to have a hand cover her mouth.

"Shut up, before something bad happens." The voiced growled, she quickly reconized who it was, Gally.

She sighed and decided that struggling wouldn't help her situation.

Gally pulled her far into the forest then finally moved his hand away from her mouth.

"What is wrong with you?" She rolled her eyes, sighing.

"You are the reason we are all here, why!" He shouted, anger filling his body.

Maddie covered her face, getting overwhelmed.

"Look, I had no choice okay!" She shouted back.

"I didn't have a choice." She shouted, starting to sob, she slowly sat on the ground, pulling her legs to her chest.

"I didn't want to do it, I had to.. They said if I didn't they'd kill me.." She cried out.

Gally stood there, shocked and somewhat saddened that she reacted this bad.

Everyone thinks Gally is some tough guy, but he does have a soft side when he's alone with only one person.

Gally awkwardly sat down next to her and wrapped his arm around her for comfort.

Maddie looked up at him, a confused look on his face.

"If you ever mention this moment to anyone i'll beat the klunk out of ya." He snickered and looked ahead of them into the forest.

Maddie sighed and looked down, everything was falling apart.

"You know how to get out of here, don't you?" Gally questioned.

"I can't answer that." She replied catiously.

"You owe me, and everyone else here." He growled, his heart once again becoming cold.

"You don't understand." She sighed, getting up and walking out of the forest.

She wandered around, squinting at the light then looking at the maze. She wanted them to get out, she didn't want them to spend their entire lives here.

She eventually walked back to find Newt.

She walked into the Homestead and saw him sleeping.

She carefully crawled next to him and snuggled into his chest, listening to his breathing and heartbeat.

Maddie loved him, she loved him so much. She didn't know if he felt exactly the same way, but she hoped he did.

She ran her fingers through his hair gently, watching his eyes flutter open.

She smiled warmly at him, and he returned the smile.

"I didn't want to wake you." She murmured.

Newt chuckled and wrapped his arms around her loosely.

"I'm glad that you did, so I could see your beautiful face." He smiled at her.

Maddie blushed lightly and shook her head laughing softly.

Newt slowly leaned in and pressed his lips against hers, it was such a perfect moment for a kiss, being their first real kiss.

Their lips moved in sync, like they were meant to be together, a piece of a puzzle that fit perfectly in place.

They both eventually pulled away, taking breaths to get air back into their lungs.

They both smiled at eachother, blushing madly as they realized what just happened.

They sat there in peace just enjoying eachothers company. Kissing here and there, not taking their eyes off eachother.

Smiling and laughing, cracking cheesey jokes, everything was perfect.

They both soon fell asleep again, Newt holding her in his arms protectively.

Maddie burying her face into his chest and having her arm drape across his torso.

She began to dream, it started out with her and Newt, but then something happened.

Words went through her mind.

'You owe me.'

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