Another Gone

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Thomas's POV

Maddie spoke the same thing at the same time Thomas did.

Newt looked at them suspicously but concerned at the same time.

"What is gonna happen?" Newt questioned.

"We have to defeat them, to win." Maddie whispered.

They all looked at her, concerned but knew what she said always happened to be true.

The next few hours was dreadful, everyone was gathering anything they could find to stay safe and to stay alive.

It soon became dark, everyone was inside the Homestead. The doorway however, it wasn't boarded up.

Since Gally broke the only boards that covered the doorway they had nothing to protect that area.

Newt held Maddie tight in his arms, and Minho had Thomas in his.

Everything was quiet until the sound of the Griever filled the glade.

Everyone froze, nobody moved, nobody breathed, no sounds what so ever.

You could see the Griever wandering around, looking for anything and anyone.

But then there was a noise, a stick snapped and the Griever looked over at the Homestead.

Alby had been in the doorway.

"Alby get back here!" Maddie shouted, causing Newt to place his hand over her mouth.

"Alby,-!!!!" She screamed, her voice muffled.

Alby looked back at them, the pain in his eyes, he was doing this for us.

"Find a way out, and I'll be happy." He spoke, then ran outside.

Maddie struggled and freed herself from Newt's grasp, she ran outside and screamed after Alby.

He turned around and looked at her one last time, then the Griever took him.

Maddie stood there, horrified.

Newt immediately ran out after her, grabbing her from her wait and picking her up and running back inside.

Maddie sobbed, tear fell down her cheeks like a waterfall.

Newt carried her back inside the Homestead and sat in the hammock holding her against his chest.

Everyone was too shocked or stunned to do or say anything.

Thomas and Minho just stared blankly at eachother.

Maddie just cried into Newt's chest, overwhelmed by everything that has happened.

She soon cried herself to sleep and Newt just held her in his embrace the entire night.


The morning came slow, Maddie stayed asleep the entire night, she mumbled a few things here and there.

Newt stroked her hair gently and kissed her forehead softly, Minho and Thomas fell asleep a few minutes before.

The only problem?

The sun never came out, insted the sky was grey.

That had never happened before, once everyone woke up they were all confused and didn't know what was going on.

Maddie slowly opened her eyes and looked at Newt who smiled down at her.

"Hey beautiful." He murmured, kissing her cheek.

"Newt." She murmured back, kissing his nose.

"Hm?" He hummed, hiding his face in her hair gently.

"I love you." She smiled and she could sense he was smiling too.

"I love you to Maddie." He murmured, pulling her close.

You could hear Minho groan and make faces, as Thomas chuckled.

"The sky is grey you guys." Minho spoke, his voice full of fear.

This was the end.

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