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Newt's POV

Maddie should've been back by now.

At first he figured she was talking to some girls from Group B, but it had been over an hour now.

Newt glanced at Minho who looked just as worried.

"Where is she?" Newt spoke up, his voice full of worry.

"I don't know Newt." Minho replied, looking at the door.

"She was right behind us when we were leaving, what happened?" Newt questioned, more to himself than to Minho.

"Let's retrace our steps." Minho suggested, looking at Newt.

"Alright, alright.." Newt mumbled, trying to think.

"We were in that room, looking at Thomas." Newt began, putting his fingers to his chin.

"Maddie wanted to look at Thomas and then he woke up, but evil." Minho spoke, processing everything.

Newt sat there, thinking, and then it all clicked.

"Minho..." Newt breathed out, a tear slipping his eye.

"Thomas has Maddie." He whispered, looking at Minho.

Minho just looked at him, unsure if he wanted to believe it, to think that Thomas would do something like that.

But this wasn't Thomas.

This was some WICKED creature.

Newt stood up pacing the room.

"What if she's hurt!" Newt shouted, running his fingers through his hair.

"Newt." Minho spoke up, looking at the blonde boy.

"What if she's dead..." Newt choked out, starting to cry.

Minho sighed and quickly stood up, hugging Newt to clam him down.

"Let's go look for her." Minho suggested.

Newt took a weapon and so did Minho, they walked out into the empty hallway.

They followed the path they had gone earlier to the room.

They noticed the door was shut, which was unusual.

"Who's in there!" Minho yelled, but not hearing anything in response.

"Open this door or we'll break it down!" Newt yelled, starting to count to three.

They both heard feet shuffling back and forth and what sounded like a chair.

Newt's eyes widened and he kicked the door open.

They both ran in, just to see evil Thomas smirking at them.

But where was Maddie?

She had to be there.

"Where's Maddie!" Newt shouted, his eyes darting to everywhere around the room.

Thomas had shoved Maddie into another room where they sent people to be tortured.

Maddie was still unconcious at the time, Thomas had put some sort of sleeping pain into her system.

"She's not here." Thomas shrugged and smirked at him.

"Don't you bloody lie to me!" Newt yelled, stepping closer.

"Where's the old Thomas?" Minho cried out, looking at him.

'HEY I HEARD MY NAME!' The good Thomas yelled inside his head.

'LET ME OUT OF HERE!' He yelled again, making the evil Thomas wince.

'I'M TAKING OVER CRAZY FREAK' The good Thomas yelled, making the evil version angry.

"You will not take over, I'm in control!" He yelled, making Newt and Minho look at eachother confused.

"If you dare try to take control, i'll kill his girlfriend!" The evil Thomas yelled, running over to the hidden room where Maddie sat unconcious to the chair.

Newt's mouth dropped at the sight of Maddie.

Tears wanting to spill from his eyes, Minho just stood in shock.

Thomas winced more and fell to the ground screaming, yelling, hitting his head and saying "SHUT UP!" over and over.

Then, it went silent, everything was quiet and Newt and Minho just stood there.

Confused yet curious.

They slowly walked up to him, he instantly shot up, breathing heavy, eyes darting everywhere.

But this was the real Thomas, not the fake evil one.

Minho rushed to him and hugged him tightly.

Newt quickly rushed to get Maddie except the door was jammed.

He pounded on the door, but it wouldn't budge.

Newt was yelling and crying, causing Minho and Thomas to rush over to help.

But it was no use, she was trapped.

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