The Maze, The Griever, The Glade

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Newt's POV

Everyone was running around, frantic trying to pack things away and get things hidden.

Everyone was preparing for the two days, the two days leading to death, to the maze, to the grievers.

Nobody knew what to expect, they just wanted to survive.

Newt quickly found Maddie and wrapped her in his arms.

"Everything will be okay." He whispered, Maddie sighed and relaxed in his arms.

"Someone is gonna die tonight Newt, someone who least expects it." She whined, only making him hold her closer.

"Come on, let's get inside the Homestead." He murmured, walking her inside where everyone else was.

Night was coming faster than they expected, and then it happened.

Usually the doors were closed by now, but they stayed open.

Thomas and Minho looked at eachother, then at Newt and Maddie.

Her predictions came true, but who was going to die?

We all started to see a light, everyone was frozen with fear.

The Grievers.

Since the doors were open they could lurk around, snatching anyone they wanted.

Slowly a leg popped out, then two, then three, then the entire thing.

It walked around looking for anyone, waiting to kill.

The doors were boarded up and so were the windows, there was a slight opening from the window so people could see out.

Nobody moved, they all stayed frozen, until someone moved, causing the Griever to look right at the Homestead.

It stood there, observing, examing, lurking, waiting for the next move to attack.

"We're all dead!" Gally screamed, causing the Griever to run right for the Homestead.

"Gally shut up!" Everyone yelled, but Gally ignored, he ran up to the boarded door and ripped it off.

The Griever standing right there, waiting to kill.

Gally looked at the Griever, full of fear and guilt.

"I'm sorry!" He shouted, the Griever grabbed him and ran off, that was the last time everyone saw Gally.


The morning came early, not many people slept, they were too frightened by what had happened.

Maddie laid against Newt who held her tight in his arms. He stroked her hair gently, listening to her breathing.

Thomas and Minho were cuddled together next to Maddie and Newt in another hammock.

It was now 5am and everyone had to wake up, the runners got dressed and left, others were still sleeping but Newt didn't move, he just let Maddie sleep.

Thomas was letting Minho sleep also, but Newt and Thomas were both awake.

"Do you really think we're gonna get out of here?" Newt whispered and Thomas sighed.

"I think so if Maddie tells me the code, I know what to do after I have it." He replied in a whisper.

"Do I even want to know?" Newt mumbled, kissing Maddies forehead.

"No." He said stern but whispered.

"It's life and death situation." He replied again.

"Then why do we have to do it?" Newt questioned.

"It's the only way out." He replied and ran his fingers through Minho's hair.

Maddie's eyes slowly fluttered open, she gazed up at Newt who smiled down at her.

"Hey beautiful." He murmured, kissing her nose.

She made little noises that Newt loved, it made her so much more adorable to him.

She buried her face into his chest, making Newt wrap his arms around her again, pulling her close.

"New-," she squealed, Newt began to tickle her.

Her laughter filled the room, making Minho wake up and groan.

"Wakey wakey eggs and bakey!" Newt shouted causing Maddie to go into a huge fit of laughter.

Thomas and Minho looked at eachother and then realized that was why Maddie was always dying of laughter.

They both started to laugh and Newt pouted, but laughed along.

They all eventually stopped laughing and got ready for the day.

They walked outside to see everyone talking, Alby didn't know what to do without Gally.

"One more day ti'll we can get out of here everyone, so work together." Alby commanded.

Maddie looked at Newt and Thomas.

"There's more than that, a lot more." She whispered.

"Once you get into the maze, a lot of people are going to die, lots." She looked at them still.

"Why would a lot of people die Maddie." Newt questioned.

Thomas and Maddie looked at eachother, as if they read eachothers minds.

"Grievers." They both spoke, so light and at the exact same time.

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