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Thomas's POV

He watched Aris kill Beth, and to be honest, it horrified him.

He never wanted to go through something like that, to watch his best friend get shot right in front of his face.

That's like watching Newt get shot or Maddie, hell even Minho.

They all walked back to Group A's room, taking Aris with them, just for protection reasons.

They unlocked the door and walked inside, just to see Newt and Maddie in the same spots as they left them.

Except they both were asleep which was good, they didn't stay behind for no reason then.

"Get some rest Aris, we have a long day later today, meaning we'll need all the rest we can get." Minho pointed out, crawling back into the bed him and Thomas shared.

Aris nodded slowly, crawling into the small bunk and adjusted himself.

So many thoughts flowing through his head like a tidal wave.

'I'm a monster.' He thought to himself.

'I just killed Beth, my friend, my roomate.' He thought again, only to get interupted by Thomas.

'Aris, go to sleep bud.' Thomas nudged in and Aris only sighed and shut his eyes.


It was now about 7:30-8:00pm and everyone was still asleep ti'll Newt woke up.

He rubbed his eyes and looked down at Maddie who was still once again still fast asleep.

He kissed her forehead and smiled at her, playing with strands of her hair gently.

Today was Halloween.

Even though they were in the Scorch Trials, Halloween was Halloween.

You really can't stop people from wanting to continue the Holiday.

The Scorch Trials decided to give a one day break where they wouldn't do anything, so they could let the Gladers enjoy the Halloween Holiday.

Newt turned to his side to see Minho waking up and kissing Thomas to wake him up.

He glanced again and saw Aris, his eyebrows scrunched up in confusion, but decided he'd ask about it later.

Newt drew his attention back to Maddie and nuzzled his face into her neck, pressing soft kisses to her skin.

She made small, light muffling noises that sounded like high pitch whimpers or squeals.

He chuckled quietly and pressed his lips against hers, he knew she was somewhat awake because she was kissing him back.

"You're so stubborn." She murmured, a small smile appearing on her lips, but her eyes remained closed.

"Me? Stubborn? Psh." Newt huffed and smiled at her, kissing her nose softly.

"Yes you." Maddie laughed quietly, peaking an eye open so she could see him.

He looked at her, an eyebrow raised and she only smiled.

"I deserve one more." She pouted, sticking out her bottom lip.

Newt only rolled his eyes playfully but gave in anyways, kissing her again, but gave a twist with the kiss.

He pressed his lips against hers, making her happy, but then he caught her bottom lip between his teeth, making him smirk lightly at Maddie.

Her cheeks turned a bright pink and she couldn't help but love how he took control on such a short notice.

After Newt let go of her bottom lip, you could hear Minho groaning, probably because he saw them.

"Keep your mouths to eachother!" He grumbled, but showed a small grin.

Maddie looked at him, and Minho looked back at her skeptically.

"You mean like this?" Maddie questioned, pulling Newt's face into her hands and kissing him roughly on the mouth.

Newt was caught off guard by the sudden kiss and Minho's eyes went wide, Newt eventually was able to start kissing back, but Maddie pulled away just in time to catch Newt's bottom lip.

Newt looked at her wide eyed, taking somewhat deep breaths from what was their heated kiss.

His cheeks were a light pink color and Maddie slowly let go of his bottom lip, but stole a quick kiss again which made Newt smirk slightly.

"You guys are gross." Minho groaned, which made Maddie laugh.

"Like you're one to talk?" She questioned, laying down on the bunk and looking at Minho.

"You and Thomas are always making out." Maddie smirked, which made Thomas look over at them and Minho's eyes wide.

"I heard my name." Thomas chimed in and walked over, sneaking an arm around Minho's waste.

"Hey Thomas, kiss Minho." Maddie smiled innocently and Minho glared at her.

"Why do you want me to?" Thomas questioned, his eyebrow raised.

"Oh just do it and don't argue!" Maddie squealed, trying to hold back her laughter.

Thomas only sighed, then looked at Minho who looked at him.

Thomas quickly pulled him close, a small smirk on his lips as he pulled Minho into a heated kiss.

They soon eventually broke away and both took deep breaths, Minho's face was a light pink and so was Thomas's.

"Point proven." Maddie smiled, making Newt chuckle and lay beside her.

"Oh shut up, shank." Minho grumbled, but let a small chuckle leave his lips.

"How's Aris doing?" Maddie questioned, looking at the boy who was still sleeping.

"I don't know I'll see." Thomas replied, walking over to him.

"Aris, hey, Aris." Thomas mumbled, shaking the boy lightly by the shoulder.

Aris only groaned but then turned over and opened his eyes slightly.

"What?" He grumbled, shoving his face into a pillow.

"I'd say he's fine." Thomas laughed, which made everyone else smile.

"Today's Halloween!" Maddie squealed excitedly, looking at everyone.

"What are we gonna do?" Minho spoke up, also looking at everyone.

"We should make our room a haunted house and make people go into it and we can scare them." Maddie suggested, shrugging her shoulders.

"I like that idea." Thomas nodded and Aris gave a thumbs up.

"Alright, lets do this." She smiled, nodding.


About 3 hours later there room was set up, they had asked the creators for all their decorations, thankfully they gave them to them.

Their room was extreamly spooky, the bunks had cob webs everywhere, Aris pretended to be dead on his bunk, Thomas and Minho were mummies on the other side of the room.

Then there was Newt and Maddie, Maddie had done their makeup as if they had turned into cranks.

They both stood in single celled cages to act as if they had to stay in there to protect the others from coming into the room.

Soon people started walking in, they would look around and be very hesitant about even entering.

They would walk around the room the way they were supposed to and then stop, and look around.

Then out of know where someone would scream and scare the klunk out of them.

It went on for about 2 hours ti'll they were done and everyone who wanted to go through went.

They all got out and started to laugh and smile.

It was a good Halloween after all.

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