Piece Of the Puzzle

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Thomas's POV

He kept getting flashbacks, showing him and this girl, who he now thinks is Maddie.

They're both in this room, with all these people in white lab coats. They're organizing what looks like is becoming some game, something challenging.

Thomas get's an order and so does the girl, except he can't see her face. He tries to yell out to her, but nothing happens, not a sound, no movement.

They both walk into a room, there are a group of boys, she calls each by their name, telling them to go with her.

They all look scared, not knowing what is going on and they thankfully obey orders. They follow her out the room and into another, disapearing inside the door.

Thomas frantically tries to follow, to save all of the kids. But it was no use, they were gone.


Thomas woke up, shaking and sweating, and breathing a bit heavy.

"You okay Greenie?" Chuck looked at him causiously. "Y-Yeah I'm fine." He studdered.

He wasn't sure Chuck would understand what he just went through so he decided to tell him it was nothing.

Thomas went out to search for Newt, he knew Newt wasn't very fond of him at the moment but this was important.

Thomas ran to where Newt worked in the Glade, he spotted him and yanked him aside.

"What the bloody hell do you want now? Newt spat at Thomas.

"There's something you should know about Maddie." Thomas began, which got Newt's attention.

"I swear if you bloody insult her-" Newt began but Thomas cut him off.

"No!" Thomas shouted, "It's nothing like that." He grumbled.

"This may be shocking to you, but if you think about it, it makes sense." He explained.

"I just woke up, from a nightmare, I was in a room with all these people in white lab coats, and there was this girl." Thomas stopped to clear his throat.

"I couldn't see her face but she opened a door to where all these kids were sitting, they all looked scared and confused." Thomas took a deep breath.

"I think those kids, are everyone who is in this maze, and I think Maddie and I put you guys in here." Thomas looked at Newt who had a dumbfounded look.

"So you're saying you and Maddie worked for the creators, put us in here like some test subjects and now you both are here for some strange reason?" Newt asked so many questions at once, it was overwhelming.

"Yes... I think so.." Thomas sighed. "I tried to yell to the girl, but nothing happened, no sound no movement and then her and the kids just left." He explained.

"Newt, you can't be hard on Maddie though, I doubt she remembers as much as I do." Thomas looked at him.

"Of course I won't be a horrible future to be boyfriend to her." Newt glared, he hated how Thomas thought bad of him with Maddie.

Thomas only shrugged but was still skeptical of his actions.

"So what the bloody hell are we gonna do now?" Newt grumbled, while running his fingers through his blonde hair.

"We need to do a Gathering. Now." Thomas ordered.

This is important.

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