Mind Control

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Maddie's POV

Those voices, they came and went.

Mostly at random times, but now they were just there.

They wouldn't go away.

"Maddie are you sure you're alright?" Newt questioned, he had been watching her for about five minutes now.

"Yes, I'm okay I promise." She smiled softly at him and gave him a hug.

Thomas, Minho, Newt, and Aris and her were all back in their room.

They had to wait while some of the Group B girls got their 'memories' back.

They all sat on the floor, playing one of their games to pass time.

"Alright your go Thomas." Minho smirked and Thomas rolled his eyes.

He looked at Maddie who had a blank expression again, Newt noticed Thomas's worried look and looked at Maddie.

'Don't you know you're a mistake?'

'Just finish your job.'

"Maddie." Thomas interupted the voices and she looked up at him.

"Whoa.." Minho looked at her also, her expression became different.

"What?" She looked at them both.

"You aren't yourself anymore, what's going on?" Thomas questioned, worry filling his voice.

She looked at the ground and then as if her normal self returned.

"Maddie?" Newt shook her and she looked at him.

"Please tell us what's going on." He looked sad, which Maddie hated to see on his face.

"Those voices, they are here and there, they won't leave me alone." She whispered and Thomas and Aris looked at eachother.

"They keep telling me I'm a mistake and to finish the job." She groaned, looking at the ground.

"You aren't a mistake Maddie." Newt spoke up, pulling her close.

"What if they're right?" She questioned, looking at them all.

"I won't believe it." Newt opposed and so did the others.

There was a moment of silence until someone knocked on the door and opened it.

"We need all of you to come out now." A guard spoke and everyone stood up.

They walked down the hallway just to see the lovely Ratman again.

"The girls are in the treatment stage, this is your last chance to get your memories back." He spoke, but his gaze met Maddies.

"Madison, why don't you tell them why you should get your memories back." He grinned, Maddie just stared at him, but then as if something took over her.

She shut her eyes and felt as if she was falling, but then reopened her eyes.

She wasn't herself, not at all, her body was taken over by WICKED.

She stepped forward, to stand by Ratman, a small smirk on her lips.

Newt looked at Thomas, Minho and Aris who had a worried look and angry expression.

"You guys really should get your memories back, they will do you good." She spoke, motioning to everything around them.

"You aren't Maddie!" Thomas yelled, rage filling his body.

"You're right, I'm not, I'm the better one." She growled, a smirk on her lips.

"Maddie, my beautiful Maddie come back to us." Newt cried out, Minho had to hold him back.

This was crushing him, the girl he loved was over taken by WICKED.

She just watched him, her eyes cold and hard, the beautiful color they were before was gone.

"The old Madison, is gone, deal with it." She snapped, rolling her eyes.

Ratman just stood there, a smirk of satisfaction on his face.

"You did this to her! You bloody-," Newt was yelling, sadness and anger filling his body.

"I'm not done yet." She spoke, looking at Thomas.

"You." She pointed at Thomas, who's eyes went wide with anger and fear.

"You're supposed to be like me." She smiled, but not an ordinary smile.

"I'm never going to be one of you, never." He growled, tears threatening to fall.

"You don't have a choice." She smirked and the guards out of know where took him off his feet.

"Let me go!" Thomas yelled, squirming and fighting the guards.

They set him down next to Maddie, Thomas looked at her, giving her a pleading look, tears falling down his cheeks.

"Maddie, please.." He whispered, tears falling.

She just smiled at him, and as if a press of a button, Thomas was asleep.

"Good job Maddie, wait ti'll he wakes up and we will continue with our treatment." Ratman spoke, a grin on his face.

He left the room, but she still stood there, looking at Newt, Minho and Aris.

"Maddie, if you're in there somewhere come back to us!" Newt cried out, wiping tears on his face.

Maddie just stood there, looking at him, but then started coughing.

"GET-," She screamed.

"OUT-," She continued screaming.

"OF-," She was coughing, gasping for air.

"MY-," Tears were falling down her face.

"HEAD-," She fell to the floor, tears falling and her body shaking.

Her hands were grabbing her hair, she was crying and shaking.

Newt and Minho watched in concern and horror.

"NO I'M IN CONTROL." She yelled, only making herself angrier.

She was fighting herself and the voice inside.

"THE HELL YOU AREN'T." She yelled, shutting her eyes tightly.

A few minutes later, she stopped crying, she reopened her eyes, they were back to color.

She looked around, then at Newt, her expression softened and she stood up and hugged him tight.

"Newt, I'm so sorry." She cried out, running her fingers through his hair.

"Shhh, shhh it's okay." Newt comforted her, hugging her tight while rubbing her back.

"What the shuck happened!?" Minho exclaimed, looking at Maddie.

"I-I don't know, all I know is I was perfectly fine ti'll Ratman looked at me, as if he had this thing that controled me." She spoke, her voice shakey.

"I don't remember anything I did, oh my god did I hurt anyone!?" She cried out and Minho took a deep breath.

"Well you one scared us to death, and well.. Thomas.. He's unconcious." He spoke slowly.

"What, why?" She questioned, turning around.

There lay Thomas, asleep on the bunk.

"Did I do that?" She questioned, walking over to him.

"Yes, you pressed some button." Newt spoke up, but held Maddie close to him.

Maddie looked at Thomas, she realized his eyes were starting to flutter open.

But when they did, they wern't the same warm brown eyes.

They were cold and dark ones.

This wasn't Thomas.

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