Almost Caught

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The morning soon began to shine through the Glade, and the forest.

She had fallen asleep with her head against Newt. He looked so peaceful sleeping and it was just so shuckin' adorable!

"Newt.." She whispered and ruffled his hair to wake him up gently, so she wouldn't scare him.

He groaned a bit and whimpered as if he was in his bed at home not wanting to get up for school. She laughed softly and messed with his hair again until he opened his eyes.

It took a few moments for him to realize once again what had happened. Once the realization got to him he looked at her and smiled softly.

"You need to go before the others get suspicous." She spoke, somewhat saddened.

She didn't want Newt to go, he was so comforting and so caring she didn't want to lose that so quickly.

Newt sighed and nodded, he too didn't want to leave so soon, he was finally with a girl and didn't want to lose the moment they had created.

"Yeah it would be the smart idea huh?" He chuckled lightly trying not to show how sad he was leaving her.

He slowly stood up and started to climb down the tree.

"I'll come visit you later." He smiled slightly, just a small smile like that could make anyone melt on the inside.

He climbed the rest of the way down and ran off to see the others.

She watched him go, one to make sure he made it back okay, and two to make sure nobody saw her. She had to make sure nobody could ever find this spot.

Newt's POV.

Newt ran back to the others, unsure if they knew he had been gone or not.

Sure enough when he came back they all were surrounding him, frantically hugging him and making sure he was okay.

"Good lord! The boy's alive!" Minho cheered when he saw Newt.

Everyone else cheered too, but something wasn't right, someone was missing.

He looked around, and noticed Thomas wasn't here.

He walked over to Minho, "Where's Thomas?" Newt questioned, he was a bit nervous, he never usually left without someone.

Well, he did do some pretty rediculous things, so he could understand at some points.

Minho looked at him, a look of panick across his face. "We don't know, he went off looking for you and hasn't been back since last night."

Newt's face went pale, Thomas left? Looking for him? This isn't good, what if he got lost, or got taken by a Griever!

"I have to go look for him!" Newt shouted, starting to back away, wanting to run, but Minho and Gally grabbed him pulling Newt back.

"No you just got back, we can't lose you too Newt." Gally grumbled, although he wasn't a fan of Thomas he hoped he'd come back, now that he was a part of this group and that Newt seemed to need him here also.

They all walked to go get some brunch, it was already past breakfast so they had to find something else to eat.

The entire time they were talking about Thomas. Wondering where he might've gone and if he's okay, and if he was even still alive.

All of this made Newt uncomfrontable, he cared about Thomas, very much. The thought of losing him pained him on the inside. He'd just prayed he was okay and would come back soon.

Thomas's POV.

Thomas needed to go find Newt. He couldn't just stand there and do nothing like all the others were doing.

When everyone wasn't paying attention he slipped out. He ran so fast into a part of the forest, doing his best not to make much noise.

He made it halfway into the forest when he heard them all yelling frantically. They had spotted that he had ran to find Newt.

He was determined, nothing was gonna stop him from finding Newt. He was the closest person he had here and he wasn't gonna lose him, not this easy.

The morning came faster than he had expected, he wandered through most of the forest, except for this one area.

He walked along a path he had found, when he thought he heard something behind him, making him lose his focus.

Newt had climbed down the tree making a tree branch snap, causing a noise that had distracted Thomas.

Only he thought the noise had come from behind him. Newt had sprinted out of the forest before Thomas had seen him.

Eventually Thomas gave up and saw nothing was there and kept looking, until he spotted something in the mud.

It was a footprint, and it was fresh. His eyes became wide as he looked around trying to find Newt.

He never found where Newt had went, but insted found something else, a tree fort.

First Time Maze Runner [Newt Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now